
pip helper for User Site packages

pip install pipus==1.0



pip helper for user site packages

pipus is a very simple wrapper around pip to help you manage the installation of Python packages in your user directory.

pip lacks the ability to keep track of which packages were manually installed and which came as dependencies. When installing packages in your home, this quickly becomes an issue if you ever want to update the packages you installed and do not care about updating the dependency packages if the dependent ones did not receive any update.

pipus fixes this by maintaning a file, similar to the familiar requirements.txt file, in which the manually installed packages are listed. pipus will then only update those packages when you attempt to run a global update.

Packages are always installed to your local site and never globally: pipus calls pip install --user internally. This avoids conflict with your OS' distributed Python packages and is the recommended way to install Python packages not required by your system components.


  • Installing a package:
    pipus packagename
    or manually editing pipus.txt and adding the package to it, then running pipus (or pipus --update)

  • Updating all packages installed with pipus:
    pipus (or pipus --update)

  • Uninstalling a package:
    pipus -R packagename
    or manually editing pipus.txt and removing the package from it, then running pipus --refresh

  • Removing all local packages, then installing pipus ones (AKA migrating to pipus):
    pipus --refresh

For details, see pipus --help.