A Photonic Quantum Computer Simulator written in Python.

python, piquasso, quantum, quantum-computing
pip install piquasso==0.8.3


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A Python library for designing and simulating photonic quantum computers

Piquasso is a simulator for photonic quantum computations.

This is a research project, bugs can be expected. If you encounter any, please report it in the Issues page.


Piquasso and its dependencies can be installed via pip:

pip install piquasso

If you wish to, you can also install piquassoboost for performance improvement.


The documentation is avaliable at docs.piquasso.com.

How to contribute?

We welcome people who want to make contributions to Piquasso, be it big or small! If you are considering larger contributions to the source code, please contact us first.

We also appreciate bug reports, suggestions, or any kind of idea regarding Piquasso.

Development guide

The eigen3 C++ library needs to be installed for the thewalrus (dependency of strawberryfields).

On Ubuntu/Debian you can install it with

sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev

Now, to install development dependencies, use:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Tests and additional checks can be run using tox. After installation, run the following command:

tox -e py311

Alternatively, you can run only the tests using pytest. After installation, run the following command:

pytest tests