Virtual environments management tool for Python projects

pip install piter==0.1.0


PITER - virtual environments management tool for Python projects

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While working on Python project you may need multiple virtual environments. You can divide your development and test environments, have multiple environments to test against different version of libraries or any other use cases

Minimal configuration

Install piter with

pip install piter

Create or update pyproject.toml file with following configuration


dependencies = [
scripts.test = "pytest"

dependencies = [

scripts.lint = "black ."
scripts.check = "black --check ."

Available commands with this configuration

# install, remove and reinstall env 
piter env dev --install
piter env dev -i

piter env dev --remove
piter env dev -r

piter env dev --reinstall
piter env dev -ri

# run script without specifying env
piter run test

# run script
piter run dev:lint