Pixelbin SDK for Python

pip install pixelbin==2.1.0


Pixelbin Backend SDK for Python

Pixelbin Backend SDK for python helps you integrate the core Pixelbin features with your application.

Getting Started

Getting started with Pixelbin Backend SDK for Python


pip install pixelbin


Quick Example

import asyncio

from pixelbin import PixelbinClient, PixelbinConfig

# create client with your API_TOKEN
config = PixelbinConfig({
    "domain": "https://api.pixelbin.io",
    "apiSecret": "API_TOKEN",

# Create a pixelbin instance
pixelbin:PixelbinClient = PixelbinClient(config=config)

# Sync method call
    result = pixelbin.assets.listFiles()
except Exception as e:

# Async method call
    result = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(pixelbin.assets.listFilesAsync())
except Exception as e:

Security Utils

For generating Signed URLs

Generate a signed PixelBin url

Parameter Description Example
url (string) A valid Pixelbin URL to be signed https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/dummy-cloudname/original/__playground/playground-default.jpeg
expiry_seconds (int) Number of seconds the signed URL should be valid for 20
access_key (string) Access key of the token used for signing 6227274d-92c9-4b74-bef8-2528542516d8
token (string) Value of the token used for signing dummy-token


from pixelbin.utils.security import sign_url

signed_url = sign_url(
    "https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/dummy-cloudname/original/__playground/playground-default.jpeg", # url
    20, # expiry_seconds
    "6227274d-92c9-4b74-bef8-2528542516d8", # access_key
    "dummy-token", # token
# signed_url
# https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/dummy-cloudname/original/__playground/playground-default.jpeg?pbs=8eb6a00af74e57967a42316e4de238aa88d92961649764fad1832c1bff101f25&pbe=1695635915&pbt=6227274d-92c9-4b74-bef8-2528542516d8

Usage with custom domain url

from pixelbin.utils.security import sign_url

signed_url = sign_url(
    "https://test.example.com/v2/original/__playground/playground-default.jpeg", # url
    30, # expirySeconds
    22, # tokenId
    "dummy-token", # token
# signedUrl
# https://test.example.com/v2/original/__playground/playground-default.jpeg?pbs=1aef31c1e0ecd8a875b1d3184f324327f4ab4bce419d81d1eb1a818ee5f2e3eb&pbe=1695705975&pbt=22

URL Utils

Pixelbin provides url utilities to construct and deconstruct Pixelbin urls.


Deconstruct a pixelbin url

parameter description example
url (string) A valid Pixelbin URL https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/your-cloud-name/z-slug/t.resize(h:100,w:200)~t.flip()/path/to/image.jpeg
opts (Object) Options for the conversion Default: { isCustomDomain: False }
opts.is_custom_domain Indicates if the URL belongs to a custom domain (default: False)


Property Description Example
baseURL (string) Base path of the URL https://cdn.pixelbin.io
filePath (string) Path to the file on Pixelbin storage /path/to/image.jpeg
version (string) Version of the URL v2
cloudName (string) Cloud name from the URL your-cloud-name
transformations (array) A list of transformation objects [{ "plugin": "t", "name": "flip" }]
zone (string) Zone slug from the URL z-slug
pattern (string) Transformation pattern extracted from the URL t.resize(h:100,w:200)~t.flip()
worker (boolean) Indicates if the URL is a URL Translation Worker URL False
workerPath (string) Input path to a URL Translation Worker resize:w200,h400/folder/image.jpeg
options (Object) Query parameters added, such as "dpr" and "f_auto" { dpr: 2.5, f_auto: True}


from pixelbin.utils.url import url_to_obj

pixelbinUrl = "https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/your-cloud-name/z-slug/t.resize(h:100,w:200)~t.flip()/path/to/image.jpeg?dpr=2.0&f_auto=true"
obj = url_to_obj(pixelbinUrl)
# obj
# {
#     "cloudName": "your-cloud-name",
#     "zone": "z-slug",
#     "version": "v2",
#     "options": {
#         "dpr": 2.0,
#         "f_auto": True,
#     },
#     "transformations": [
#         {
#             "plugin": "t",
#             "name": "resize",
#             "values": [
#                 {
#                     "key": "h",
#                     "value": "100"
#                 },
#                 {
#                     "key": "w",
#                     "value": "200"
#                 }
#             ]
#         },
#         {
#             "plugin": "t",
#             "name": "flip",
#         }
#     ],
#     "filePath": "path/to/image.jpeg",
#     "baseUrl": "https://cdn.pixelbin.io"
# }
from pixelbin.utils.url import url_to_obj

customDomainUrl =
obj = url_to_obj(customDomainUrl, opts={ is_custom_domain: True })
# obj
# {
#     "zone": "z-slug",
#     "version": "v2",
#     "transformations": [
#         {
#             "plugin": "t",
#             "name": "resize",
#             "values": [
#                 {
#                     "key": "h",
#                     "value": "100"
#                 },
#                 {
#                     "key": "w",
#                     "value": "200"
#                 }
#             ]
#         },
#         {
#             "plugin": "t",
#             "name": "flip",
#         }
#     ],
#     "filePath": "path/to/image.jpeg",
#     "baseUrl": "https://xyz.designify.media",
#     "wrkr": False,
#     "workerPath": "",
#     "options": {}
# }
workerUrl =

obj = url_to_obj(workerUrl)
# obj
# {
#     "cloudName": "your-cloud-name",
#     "zone": "z-slug",
#     "version": "v2",
#     "transformations": [],
#     "filePath": "",
#     "worker": True,
#     "workerPath": "resize:h100,w:200/folder/image.jpeg",
#     "baseUrl": "https://cdn.pixelbin.io"
#     "options": {}
# }


Converts the extracted url obj to a Pixelbin url.

Property Description Example
cloudName (string) The cloudname extracted from the URL your-cloud-name
zone (string) 6 character zone slug z-slug
version (string) CDN API version v2
transformations (array) Extracted transformations from the URL [{ "plugin": "t", "name": "flip" }]
filePath (string) Path to the file on Pixelbin storage /path/to/image.jpeg
baseUrl (string) Base URL https://cdn.pixelbin.io/
isCustomDomain (boolean) Indicates if the URL is for a custom domain False
worker (boolean) Indicates if the URL is a URL Translation Worker URL False
workerPath (string) Input path to a URL Translation Worker resize:w200,h400/folder/image.jpeg
options (Object) Query parameters added, such as "dpr" and "f_auto" { "dpr": 2.0, "f_auto": True }
from pixelbin.utils.url import obj_to_url

obj = {
    cloudName: "your-cloud-name",
    zone: "z-slug",
    version: "v2",
    options: {
        dpr: 2.0,
        f_auto: True,
    transformations: [
            plugin: "t",
            name: "resize",
            values: [
                    key: "h",
                    value: "100",
                    key: "w",
                    value: "200",
            plugin: "t",
            name: "flip",
    filePath: "path/to/image.jpeg",
    baseUrl: "https://cdn.pixelbin.io",
url = obj_to_url(obj) # obj is as shown above
# url
# https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/your-cloud-name/z-slug/t.resize(h:100,w:200)~t.flip()/path/to/image.jpeg?dpr=2.0&f_auto=true

Usage with custom domain

from pixelbin.utils.url import obj_to_url

obj = {
    zone: "z-slug",
    version: "v2",
    transformations: [
            plugin: "t",
            name: "resize",
            values: [
                    key: "h",
                    value: "100",
                    key: "w",
                    value: "200",
            plugin: "t",
            name: "flip",
    filePath: "path/to/image.jpeg",
    baseUrl: "https://xyz.designify.media",
    isCustomDomain: True,
url = Pixelbin.utils.objToUrl(obj); # obj is as shown above
# url
# https://xyz.designify.media/v2/z-slug/t.resize(h:100,w:200)~t.flip()/path/to/image.jpeg

Usage with URL Translation Worker

from pixelbin.utils.url import obj_to_url

obj = {
    cloudName: "your-cloud-name",
    zone: "z-slug",
    version: "v2",
    transformations: [],
    filePath: "",
    worker: True,
    workerPath: "resize:h100,w:200/folder/image.jpeg",
    baseUrl: "https://cdn.pixelbin.io",
url = Pixelbin.utils.objToUrl(obj); # obj is as shown above
# url
# https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/your-cloud-name/z-slug/wrkr/resize:h100,w:200/folder/image.jpeg
