Cross-platform tool to work with remote Linux OS.
Plinux based on paramiko project. It can establish ssh connection to a remote server, execute command as user or with sudo rights. Plinux returns object with exit code, sent command, stdout/sdtderr response.
For most users, the recommended method to install is via pip:
pip install plinux
from plinux import Plinux
The most recommended usage way:
from plinux import Plinux
client = Plinux(host="", username="bobby", password="qawsedrf")
response = client.run_cmd("hostname")
print(response.stdout) # WebServer
print(response.ok) # True
from plinux import Plinux
client = Plinux()
response = client.run_cmd_local("hostname")
print(response.stdout) # WebServer
print(response.ok) # True
Command using sudo:
from plinux import Plinux
client = Plinux(host="", username="bobby", password="qawsedrf", logger_enabled=True)
response = client.run_cmd("systemctl stop myservicename.service", sudo=True)
print(response) # ResponseParser(response=(0, None, None, "sudo -S -p '' -- sh -c 'systemctl stop myservicename.service'"))
print(response.command) # sudo -S -p '' -- sh -c 'systemctl stop myservicename.service'
print(response.exited) # 0
SFTP usage:
from plinux import Plinux
tool = Plinux(host="ftp.test.local", username="bobby", password="qawsedrf")
sftp = tool.sftp
SQLite3 usage:
from plinux import Plinux
client = Plinux(host="cdn1.test.local", username="bobby", password="qawsedrf")
db_path = '/opt/ProductName/nxdb/StorageConfig.db'
sql = 'select Data from DtoDataContainer'
db = client.sqlite3(db_path, sql).json()
print(db) # {"Settings1": 1, "Settings2": 2...,"Settings10": 10}
print(db['Setting1']) # {"Settings1": 1}
Some methods have "human commands" and aliases:
- client.run_cmd("ls /home/bobby")
- client.list_dir("/home/bobby")
1.2.8 (28.02.2022)
- .sqlite3() extended with the timeout=1000 param
1.2.7 (22.02.2022)
- PackageNotFoundError added
1.2.6 (18.02.2022)
New methods added:
- .is_security_update_available()
- .get_disk_size()
- .get_directory_size()
- .get_port_listeners_process_id()
- .get_process_cmdline()
1.2.5 (07.02.2022)
.get_json() extended to decode BOM
1.2.4 (21.01.2022)
Created instance with local execution by default (host= Python minimum version now is 3.9 New method added:
- get_installed_packages_versions: Get all installed packages and their versions. Returns dict. Minor: added some methods description
1.2.3 (7.12.2021)
New method added:
- get_ssl_fingerprint
- get_ssl_serial
- get_pid fixed to process list of pids
1.2.2 (7.12.2021)
get_free_space fixed
- Now it executes command towards "/" and with -h param by default.
- method can accept different number of positional parameters as additional command argument ()
- Specify empty mount_point (the first param as '') to get all disk info
1.2.1 (22.11.2021)
- get_package_version
- is_package_upgradable
- clear_file
- get_ssl_certificate
- validate_ssl_key
- get_ssl_md5
1.2.0 (14.10.2021)
- logger added as attr for inheritance
1.1.9 (12.05.2021)
- create_file, get_file_size, grep_line_in_file, change_line_in_file, delete_line_from_file, get_last_file, remove, extract_files, copy_file, get_md5, create_directory, list_dir to accept "sudo" param
1.1.8 (13.02.2021)
- run_cmd_session method added. Can execute several commands one-by-one
- ResponseParser updated to work with run_cmd_session (NOTE: exit code always be 0 for the "run_cmd_session")
1.1.7 (21.12.2020)
logger extended to catch destination host
1.1.6 (29.11.2020)
sqlite3 method updated to accept external parameters like "-line -header"
1.1.5 (07.11.2020)
sqlite3 method added
1.1.4 (06.11.2020)
- added 'sftp' property explicitly
- 'cat', 'check_exists', 'get_json' now support sudo usage
1.1.3 (08.08.2020)
get_pid method added
1.1.2 (25.04.2020)
- send_cmd deprecated
- fix password prompt in stderr
1.1.1 (29.03.2020)
get_md5 method added
1.1.0 (19.03.2020)
ResponseParser extended with json()
1.0.9 (28.02.2020)
Log filehandler writes in utf8 from now
1.0.8 (06.02.2020)
get_file_permission extended:
- added faq
- added "human=False" param returns access rights in human readable form otherwise in in octal
- added alias "stat"
1.0.7 (30.01.2020)
- ResponseParser methods notation changed.
- stdout -> str
- stderr -> str
- exited -> int
- ok -> bool
- command -> str
1.0.6 (29.01.2020)
- kill_user_session method added
1.0.5 (26.01.2020)
- logging refactored to avoid multiple log entries