
SublimeText configuration for buildout-based Python projects

python, buildout, plone, sublime-text, jedi, sublimelinter, buildout-recipe, anaconda, sublime-text-3, zope
pip install plone.recipe.sublimetext==1.1.6


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plone.recipe.sublimetext is the buildout recipe for ST3 lover who wants python IDE like features while developing python Buildout based project. This tool will help them to create per project basis sublimetext settings with appropriate paths location assignment. Currently plone.recipe.sublimetext comes with supporting settings for Anaconda (the all-in-one package), Jedi, Sublimelinter, Sublimelinter-Flake8, Sublimelinter-Pylint. A general question may arise that why we will use this tool, whether we can create ST3 project settings easily (we have better knowledge over ST3 configuration)? Well i completely agree with you, but if you want to get benefited from Anaconda or Jedi's python autocompletion feature (basically I am lover of autocompletion), you have to add all eggs links for Anaconda or Jedi's paths settings and it is hard to manage eggs links manually if the size of project is big (think about any Plone powered project), beside Sublimelinter-Pylint also need list of paths to be added to sys.path to find modules.


Install plone.recipe.sublimetext is simple enough, just need to create a section for sublimetext to your buildout. Before using plone.recipe.sublimetext make sure Jedi, Sublimelinter, Sublimelinter-Flake8 and/or Sublimelinter-Pylint plugins are already installed at your ST3. You could follow full [instruction here] if not your ST3 setup yet. Flake8 linter need flake8 executable available globally (unless you are going to use local flake8), also it is recommended you install some awsome flake8 plugins (flake8-isort, flake8-coding, pep8-naming, flake8-blind-except, flake8-quotes and more could find in pypi)

Example Buildout:

parts += sublimetext

recipe = plone.recipe.sublimetext
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
jedi-enabled = True
sublimelinter-enabled = True
sublimelinter-pylint-enabled = True

Available Options


Required: Yes

Default: None

Your project's list of eggs, those are going to be added in path location for Jedi and/or Sublimelinter-Pylint or Anaconda.


Required: No

Default: False

This option indicates whether existing settings should be cleaned first or just updating changes. This situation may happen, you did create settings file manually with other configuration (those are not managed by plone.recipe.sublimetext) and you want keep those settings intact.


Required: No

Default: plone.recipe.sublimetext will find current python executable path.

The python executable path for current project, if you are using virtual environment then should be that python path. FYI: ${home} and ${project} variable should work.


Required: No

Default: if you have a existing ST3 project file(settings file) in project/buildout's root directory, plone.recipe.sublimetext will choose it as project-name, other than project/buildout directory name will become as project-name

Don't add suffix .sublime-project, when you provide the project name.


Required: No

Default: False

This option is related to enable/disable Sublime Jedi


Required: No

Default: False

Use the omelette as basis for jedi autocompletion and go-to-definition. See collective.recipe.omelette


Required: No

Default: ${buildout:directory}/parts/omelette - the default omelette location.

For use with jedi-use-omelette, but unless the omelette is installed at a custom location, the default should be fine.


Required: No

Default: False

Whether Sublimelinter's features you want to use or not.


Required: No

Default: False

If you want to use Sublimelinter-Pylint or not; sublimelinter-enabled option will be respected, means if parent option is set as disabled but you enable this option will not work.

Required: No

Default: ''

You could provide buildout specific pylint executable. It is very flexible way to avoid using global pylint. Example of relative path usecase: i.) ${buildout:directory}/bin/pylint ii.) $project_path/bin/pylint iii.) ./bin/pylint iv.) ~/path/bin/pylint


Required: No

Default: ''

@see bellow at sublimelinter-flake8-args section for full detail.


Required: No

Default: False

Whether you want to use Sublimelinter-Flake8 or not. Like sublimelinter-pylint-enabled parent option will be respected.


Required: No

Default: ''

Project specific Flake8 executable path, this will give you lots flexibility over using global Flake8 executable, because each project might have separate Python version. You could use buildout or user's relative directory path and it is very convenient for collboration works where all members' absolute path of flake8 excecutable may not be the same! Example of relative path usecase: i.) ${buildout:directory}/bin/flake8 ii.) $project_path/bin/flake8 iii.) ./bin/flake8 iv.) ~/path/bin/flake8


Required: No

Default: ''

It is possible to provide arguments (options) for flake8 executable project specific. You have to follow a simple format to provide multiple arguments aka flake8 options thanks to buildout for making our life easy. Format {option name}={option value(optional if the arg boolen type)} max-line-length=90, it is remarkable that -- prefix is not required, you can provide multiple arguments separated by space and/or newline

  1. sublimelinter-flake8-args = max-line-length=90 --show-source
  2. sublimelinter-flake8-args = max-line-length=90 --show-source

Required: No

Default: False

This option is related to whether you want to enable Anaconda the all-in-one python IDE package!


Required: No

Default: True

If want to other library for liniting (i.e sublimelinter), keep it disabled, other than should be enabled. Like other parent options, it will respect parent (anaconda-enabled) option.


Required: No

Default: True

Anaconda is using Jedi engine for autocompletion, but if you want to use Sublime-Jedi other than provided by Anaconda, make it disabled.


Required: No

Default: False

By default Anaconda liniting doing validation using PyFlakes, PEP8, PEP257. But you can use Pylint instead of PyFlakes by enabling this option.


Required: No

Default: True

It is always good that you want to see any invalid imports (for example: from import bar), but if you don't want this just disabled this option.


Required: No

Default: ''

If you want ignore some pep8 checklist (i.e N802 is for pep8 naming). Each ignore should be separated by space and/or newline.


Required: No

Default: False

Indicates whether you want to active pep257 checklist by anaconda.


Required: No

Default: ''

If you want ignore some pep8 checklist (i.e N802 is for pep8 naming). Each ignore should be separated by space and/or newline.


Required: No

Default: False

If you don't want development eggs, should go for autocompletion.


Required: No

Default: ""

If you want specific eggs should not go for autocompletion.


Required: No

Default: ""

Location of some python scripts or non standard modules (don't have setup file), you want to be in system path.


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Known Issues

  • Sublimelinter-Flake8 might stop working if flake8-plone-api is installed as until 1.2 version, flake8-plone-api don't support SublimeText (linting), see pull request here . That means upcoming version will support hopefully. It could happen, either you are using global or virtualenv flake8. You can see error in ST3 console:

    flake8_plone_api-1.2-py2.7.egg/", line 16, in run
    with open(self.filename) as f:
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'stdin'