
plover_clippy fork focused on extensibility and useability

plover, plover_plugin, plover_clippy
pip install plover-clippy-2==0.0.4




  • Currently this plugin is not available in the official registry so you need to clone this repo
git clone 
  • cd into this repo
  • Then install for use!
    • Note that "plover" is the executable that you downloaded to make Plover work in the first place
    • See this website for the different locations depending on which platform you are using (Linux, Windows, etc)
cd plover_clippy_2
plover -s plover_plugins install -e .
  • Finally make sure to open plover, then go to configure, plugins and enable this plugin!



  • Now that you have installed this plugin it's time to use it!
  • By default the output is written into in your config files
    • Basically the same place as where your user.json and main.json is


  • In your config directory create a python file:
  • Custom code in this section should be written into this file
  1. Initialization

    • Below are some states that can be set by the user
      • Note that these are the defaults
    def initPost(obj, clippy):
        clippy.state.output_file_name = ""
        clippy.state.efficiency_symbol = "*"
        clippy.state.max_pad_efficiency = 5
        clippy.state.max_pad_english = 15
            clippy.state.last_num_translations = 10
    • output_file_name: name of the output file, directory location will default to config directory
    • efficiency_symbol: any one character symbol used to denote how many strokes can be saved
    • max_pad_efficiency: the maximum number of efficiency symbols that are allowed to be displayed
    • max_pad_english: the maximum amount of space padding for English translations
    • last_num_translations: these number of translations are used to give suggestions
    • note: initPost executes after this plugin initializes itself
  2. Suggestion styles

    • Below are some suggestion styles
      • the default style `org.defaultSuggest` is uncommented
    def onTranslateSuggest(obj, clippy):, clippy)
        # clippy.formatting.minimalSuggest(obj, clippy)
        # clippy.formatting.retro.suggest(obj, clippy)
        #, clippy)
        #, clippy)
    • note: onTranslateSuggest gets called when suggestions are available
    • feel free to make your own suggestion styles (see formatting/ for coded examples)
      • note that `self` refers to different things, for example, in formatting/ fit is equivalent to ``
    • org.defaultSuggest:
    *     you are         *UR, R*U < KPWR/-R
    • minimalSuggest:
    you are         *UR, R*U
    • retro.suggest: same as the original plugin
    [2022-02-09 22:29:47] you are         || KPWR/-R -> *UR, R*U
    • org.debugSuggest: same as org.defaultSuggest, but nice for figuring out which suggestion source the suggestion came from
    *     you are         *UR, R*U < KPWR/-R  # Retro
    • org.minimalSuggest: minimal required for org syntax highlighting
    *     you are         *UR, R*U
  3. Suggestion sources

    • The suggestions come from different sources, and you can choose which sources to include!!!
      • Listed below are the defaults
    clippy.translations.sources.set("Undo", "FingerSpelling", "Retro", "Tkfps")
    • see Suggestion Sources for a more information on what each source does
    • see Sources for other methods like "append" and "prepend"
  4. distillation sources

    • TODO

File viewing

  • well obviously you can open up the file and take a look, but what if you want to have a live view while training?


  • here are some live commands for different platforms
  1. Windows

    Get-Content -Wait -Tail 30
  2. Linux

    tail -f
  3. WSL

    Note that on WSL, the flag `—disable-inotify` may be required to make `tail` work

    tail -f ---disable-inotify

Plover-live-view-nvim (neovim only)

  • This plugin is a live viewer which supports:
    • Splits - You can split both horizontally and vertically and customize the sizes of the splits
    • Terminal viewing (requires harpoon)
    • Buffer viewing (requires autoread-nvim)
      • The benefit of this over the terminal is that you can use custom syntax highlighting!

vim-autoread (vim only [no nvim])

  • This plugin is a live viewer for buffer viewing


This section is for people who interested in improving this plugin!


  • Get the latest build of plover
pip3 install plover==4.0.0.dev10
  • Fork this repo and clone it locally
git clone link/to/gitHub
  • cd into this repo
  • Then install for use!
    • Note that "plover" is the executable that you downloaded to make Plover work in the first place
    • See this website for the different locations depending on which platform you are using (Linux, Windows, etc)
cd plover_clippy_2
plover -s plover_plugins install -e .
  • Edit stuff, test it out and most of all, have fun!
  • Feel free to chuck me a pull request or raise an issue if you have any questions!