
Load Poetry package sources from environment variables

plugin, poetry
pip install poetry-source-env==1.1.1



PyPI - Python Version PyPI GitHub release (latest SemVer) PyPI - License Code style: Black

poetry-source-env is a Poetry plugin that lets you define private package sources for your project without exposing their URLs in pyproject.toml. It can load package source definitions from environment variables and expand environment variables in the tool.poetry.source section of pyproject.toml.

This plugin is intended as a workaround for python-poetry/poetry#5958 and will be deprecated if comparable functionality is ever implemented in Poetry itself.

Note that poetry-source-env cannot resolve repositories when installing other Poetry plugins (Poetry does not load plugins when running poetry self commands). If you need a python-poetry/poetry#5958 workaround for installing Poetry plugins, see python-poetry/poetry#5958 (comment).


poetry self add poetry-source-env


Normally, you would define a package source in pyproject.toml like this:

name = "foo"
url = "https://foo.bar/simple"
priority = "supplemental"

With poetry-source-env, you can define this source via environment variables, similar to how you can already configure publishable repositories:

export POETRY_REPOSITORIES_FOO_URL=https://foo.bar/simple

If you prefer to keep the source defined in pyproject.toml, you can opt to conceal its name or URL, in whole or in part, behind environment variables:

export FOO_INDEX_NAME="foo"
export FOO_INDEX_URL="https://foo.bar/simple"
name = "${FOO_INDEX_NAME}"
url = "${FOO_INDEX_URL}"
priority = "supplemental"

If your source requires authentication, Poetry already supports defining its credentials via environment variables:

export POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_FOO_USERNAME=celsiusnarhwal
export POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_FOO_PASSWORD=superdupersecret


poetry-source-env's behavior can be configured via the tool.poetry-source-env section of pyproject.toml.

Supported configuration options include:

Name Type Description Required? Default
prefix string The prefix which poetry-source-env should expect source-defining environment variables to use. Has no effect if env is false. No POETRY_REPOSITORIES_
env boolean Whether to read package source definitions from environment variables. No true
toml boolean Whether to expand environment variables in the tool.poetry.source section of pyproject.toml. No true


poetry-source-env is licensed under the MIT License.