Async python ORM for postgres

pip install postschema==0.17.25


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class postschema.PostSchema(*, marshmallow.Schema...)

Base class used to define postgres joint schemas.

It will first create the appropriate sqlalchemy's BaseModel, allowing for a seamless DB model propagation, then create the respective views.

Each definition of a field needs to include a reference to the corresponding sqlalchemy model column. The remaining arguments to sqlalchemy's Columns class should be passed normally, i.e.:

from postschema import PostSchema

class Actor(PostSchema):
    __tablename__ = 'actor'
    id = fields.Integer(sqlfield=sql.Integer, autoincrement=sql.Sequence('account_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
    name = fields.String(sqlfield=sql.String(16), required=True, index=True)

class Meta

Options object for both marshmallow.Schema and postschema.PostSchema

Example usage:

class Meta:
    create_views = True
    excluded_ops = ['get', 'post']
    exclude_from_updates = ['read_only_field']
    route_base = "myview"
    enable_extended_search = True

    def default_get_critera(request):
        return {'owner': request.session.actor_id}

Refer to marshmallow documentation for more on Meta's available options.

Postschema allows for the following attributes to be defined on top of it:

  • route_base: URL base for the resource

  • create_views: Boolean indicating whether to create views from the schema definition.

  • order_by: List of fields by which to order the results, unless otherwise specified (i.e. by pagination query object)

  • exclude_from_updates: List of fields disallowed in update payload (PUT/PATCH)

  • excluded_ops: List of 'operations' not available for the view wizard. These 'operations' include:

    • post
    • get
    • list
    • patch
    • put
    • delete
  • enable_extended_search: Boolean to flag the current schema as subject to extended search. This allows the preprocessor to prepare query parts for later injection as needed.

  • pagination_schema: marshmallow.Schema-inheriting class used to deserialize the query pagination payload. Needs to define the following fields:

    • page (must be of fields.Integer type)
    • limit (must be of fields.Integer type)
    • order_dir (must be of fields.String type, values either ASC or DESC)
    • order_by (must be of Array type)
  • default_get_critera: A callable taking one positional argument - an aiohttp Request object. Expected to return a dictionary including query criteria for the GET operation if no query payload is provided.

  • __table_args__: Passed to SQLAlchemy model's Meta class

class Public, class Authed, class Private

A group of auth mini-framework classes, used to describe the allowed operation and the resources they return.

The three classes leverage the notion of a role. 5 roles are defined as default:

  • (All roles)
  • Admin
  • Owner
  • Manager
  • Staff

In addition, custom roles can be added by supplying an iterable to setup_postchema's roles keyword argument.

roles live under app.config.roles.

All three classes can describe the following attributes:

  • get_by: List of fields to allow the HTTP requests to query, while GET-ting the schema resource. If found empty, the schema's primary key will be used as the only allowed query field.
  • list_by: List of fields to allow the HTTP requests to query, while GET-ting the schema's multiple resources. If this field is left undefined, the default will take get_by's value.
  • delete_by: List of fields to allow the HTTP requests to query, while DELETE-ting the schema's single/multiple resources. If this field is left undefined, the default will be set to schema's primary key.

In addition, Private and Authed classes accept the following attributes:

  • verified_email List of operations requiring that the requesting account's email address is verified
  • verified_phone List of operations requiring that the requesting account's phone number is verified

class Public

Class describing access rules to resources listed as public. One extra attribute can be defined on this class:

  • disallow_authed List of operations defined under Public.permissions to be marked inaccessible should the request be authenticated
  • forced_logout Boolean denoting whether or not each authed request should be stripped off its session token upon requesting resource operation listed under Public.disallow_authed.

To control which operations are allowed for such resource, define a permissions subclass, on which the following attributes are allowed:

  • allow_all Boolean denoting whether to open all operations to public access

  • <operation_name> An empty dictionary with valid operation name as a key. E.g.

    class Public:
       class permissions:
          get: {}
          post: {}

class Authed

Class describing access rules to resources with whom only the authenticated actors can interact. Similarly to Public, define permissions subclass to define the following allowed attributes:

  • allow_all A list of valid roles to apply to all operations
  • <operation_name> A list or iterable containing valid role names. Requesting actors with these roles will be allowed to perform requested actions. Example:

class Private

Class describe private access rules to private resources, i.e. the ones with a clearly designated owner/administrator. Use a permissions subclass desired behaviour for each operation:

  • <operation_name> A dictionary mapping, rougly, roles to private resource condition statement. The key can be of string type, its value found in the app.config.roles, or a tuple of such. Example:

    class Private:
       class permissions:
          list: {
              ('Admin', 'Owner'): ' = auth.actor_id',
              'Staff': 'foreign_table.staffer = auth.actor_id'
          get: {
              '*': 'foreign_table.workspace -> auth.workspaces'


  • !!move workspace membership into actor table
  • adopt/refine security measures
  • request rate throttling as a default middleware + filtering
  • configurable request rate throttling per endpoint
  • full support for nested schemas
  • list/get ops should accept arrays as filter arguments (inclusion checkup)
  • auto insert/update date(time) field
  • extend session context with arbitrary fields