A simple progressbar to track progress with built in timer

progressbar, progress, bar, progressbar_easy, easy
pip install progressbar-easy==


Progress Bar

This is a simple progress bar that allows for easy use to display progress.


  • Timer to estimate time remaining
  • Timer adjusts to rates
  • Learning rate can be changed
  • Choice of length of bar
  • Choice of character bar is made of
  • Option for item count or percentage completed (or both)
  • Option for method of computing completion time.


Install with pip: pip install progressbar_easy


Imported with from progressbar import ProgressBar

Initialize object with bar = ProgressBar(number of iterations)

Use in loop. Inside loop at the end, put bar.update(K) or bar += K where K is the number of iterations completed since last update. Prefer bar.update(K) if you want to update the bar every iteration.

Defaults to use the Bellman equation to estimate time remaining. Add use_average=(True, N) arguement to use the average of the last N iterations instead of Bellman equation.

Example: bar = ProgressBar(range(2000), use_average=(True, 420)):


Use as an iterator object

for i in ProgressBar(range(100), lr=.0001):