
Graphs the progress of work across rows

pip install progrow==1.0.0a2



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progrow is a Python package for graphing the progress of work across rows.

progrow example


progrow requires Python 3.6 or later.

pip install progrow

Rendering a single row

from progrow import Row

row = Row("apple harvest", current=23, maximum=100)
apple harvest ████████▉

Including fractions, percentages and other styles

An optional Style can be passed into render():

Property Description Default
color Render in colour True
name_suffix String to append after each row's name " "
show_fraction Include each row's fractional progress (<current> / <maximum>) False
show_percent Include each row's percentage progress False
width Width to draw Terminal width
from progrow import Row, Style

row = Row("apple harvest", current=23, maximum=100)
style = Style(name_suffix=" progress: ", show_fraction=True, show_percent=True)

apple harvest progress: ███▌            23 / 100 • 23%

Rendering rows from a generator

from progrow import Row, Style

style = Style(show_fraction=True, show_percent=True)

for harvest in harvest_generator():
    row = Row(harvest[0], current=harvest[1], maximum=harvest[2])
apple harvest ███                         1 / 9 • 11%
banana harvest ██▍                        9 / 99 • 9%
caramel harvest ███████████████████▉ 100 / 100 • 100%

Since the rows are "streaming" in from a generator, the layout cannot be pre-calculated and the columns don't align.

To make this output prettier, create a Layout and guesstimate your columns:

Property Description
left_fraction_length Width of the "current" part of the fraction. For example, 3 to accommodate a three-digit value.
name_length Width of the name column. For example, 10 to accommodate a ten-character name.
percent_length Width of the percentage column. For example, 3 to accommodate a two-digit value plus a % character.
right_fraction_length Width of the "maximum" part of the fraction. For example, 3 to accommodate a three-digit value.
from progrow import Layout, Row, Style

layout = Layout(

style = Style(show_fraction=True, show_percent=True)

for harvest in harvest_generator():
    row = Row(harvest[0], current=harvest[1], maximum=harvest[2])
    print(row.render(layout, style))
apple harvest    ██▏                   1 /   9 •  11%
banana harvest   █▊                    9 /  99 •   9%
caramel harvest  ███████████████████ 100 / 100 • 100%

Rendering rows from a list

When all the row data is available before rendering, create a Rows instance to have the layout calculated automatically.

from progrow import Rows, Style

rows = Rows()
rows.append("apple harvest", current=1, maximum=9)
rows.append("banana harvest", current=9, maximum=99)
rows.append("caramel harvest", current=100, maximum=100)

style = Style(show_fraction=True, show_percent=True)

apple harvest   ██▎                    1 /   9 •  11%
banana harvest  █▊                     9 /  99 •   9%
caramel harvest ███████████████████▉ 100 / 100 • 100%

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