
Protocol Buffers file formatter.

pip install proto-formatter==0.1.16



Protocol Buffers file formatter.


pip install proto-formatter


Format all proto files under current folder and sub-folders with default configs

proto_formatter format

Help message

*                         Format protobuf file(s) from a specific target.                          *
*                                           MIT License                                            *
  proto_formatter <command> [options]

  format                       format protobuf files
  view                         view file

general options:
  -h                           show this help message and exit
  --help                       show this help message and exit
  --files                      target protobuf files need to be formatted.
  --folder                     target directory, default is current directory, all protobuf files
                               under it including all subdirectories will be formatted.
  --preview                    preview formatted protobuf file with syntax highlighting. Default
                               value is False, if it set to True, protobuf files will not be
                               overided by formatted ones.
  --indents                    the number of indented spaces, default is 4
  --top-comment                format all comments as top comments(above the target line), default
                               is False
  --align-by-equal-sign        align the code by equal sign: True or False, default is True
  --flatten                    flatten nested objects, default is False
  --comment-max-length         the max length of comment line, default is 999999.
  --file                       target protobuf file, only used for command 'view'

It also provides a method format_str to format a protobuf string.

from proto_formatter import format_str

proto_str = """
    Person balabala
    message Person {
    // comment of name a
required string name = 1; // comment of name b
comment of id a
// comment of id b
        required int32 id = 2;// comment of id c
       optional string email = 3;// comment of email
       //element bottom comment one
       //element bottom comment two
//bottom comment one
//bottom comment two
formatted_proto_str = format_str(proto_str)

The formatted_proto_str is:

**    Person balabala
message Person {
  **    comment of name a
  required string name = 1;   // comment of name b
  **    comment of id a
  **    comment of id b
  required int32 id = 2;      // comment of id c
  optional string email = 3;  // comment of email
  **    element bottom comment one
  **    element bottom comment two
**    bottom comment one
**    bottom comment two