
Simple command-line Pug watcher/compiler made in Python

pip install pug-watcher==



A simple command-line watcher/compiler that transforms Pug to HTML files (and syncs folders!) This package also supports compling SCSS for easier building of websites 🎉


  • Python 3.6 or above


You can install it by simply doing pip install pug-watcher


By simply writing pug_watcher in the console, you will be shown all available commands that it has to offer.

--config argument

There is a config file you can use to avoid having to use every single argument available in command arguments. Simply create a file called .pug_watcher.json. The file accepts the following arguments:

watch:           bool  # If it should watch the paths in question for changes (Default: false)
path:            str   # The paths to watch/compile like 'source/dir:dest/dir' (Default: src:dist)
debug:           bool  # If the compiler should show what it does (Default: false)
variables:       dict  # A list of variables to be used in Pug (Default: {})
enable_scss:     bool  # If pug_watcher should use SCSS instead of CSS on source files (Default: True)
scss_compressed: bool  # If the SCSS compiled should be compressed or not (Default: false)

Variables example

  "variables": {
    "name": "AlexFlipnote",
    "stuff": "coding, yes yes"