
A rhyming pun generator.

pip install punsy==0.0.3



A rhyming pun generator for Python

Initial POC

The POC takes in a sentence, picks out the last word, finds a random rhyming match and inserts it in place. E.g. "Napoleon Dynamite" -> "Napoleon VEGEMITE"

To install, run:

pip install punsy

You can then run punsy with:

punsy --sentence 'napoleon dynamite'

An example run:

 20:10:22 │ ☯ ~ punsy --sentence 'napoleon dynamite'
2019-08-09 00:55:24,851 punsy.punsy INFO Parsing & loading 125699 entries from CMU dictionary file
125700it [00:02, 58591.59it/s]
2019-08-09 00:55:27,005 punsy.punsy INFO Pronunciation of "DYNAMITE" is "D-AY1-N-AH0-M-AY2-T"
2019-08-09 00:55:27,005 punsy.punsy INFO Fetching rhymes, applying offset=2: "N-AH0-M-AY2-T"
2019-08-09 00:55:27,005 punsy.punsy INFO Rhymes for DYNAMITE: ['DYNAMITE']
2019-08-09 00:55:27,005 punsy.punsy INFO Generated pun for napoleon dynamite: napoleon DYNAMITE (DYNAMITE -> DYNAMITE)
2019-08-09 00:55:27,181 punsy.punsy INFO napoleon DYNAMITE


You build the docker image and run the POC with

make poc

Running interactively

  • Enter the docker container with
make build shell

Option 1:

You can use the punsy/cmu.py command with the following format:

./punsy/cmu.py <cmu_file_path> <sentence> <offset>

Option 2: ipython

Then, launch the ipython command and use as follows (output omitted):

In [1]: from punsy import cmu
In [2]: poc = cmu.POC()
In [3]: poc.run('NAPOLEON DYNAMITE', offset=2)

The Suffix trie

You can experiment with the suffix trie by running it directly with


OR, the regular trie with


Hall of Fame

As time passes, this will hopefully fill with some legitimately funny examples! Until then, we have these :)

command output
'Adventure Time' "Adventure PART-TIME"
'A Good Day To Die Hard' "A Good Day To Die AVANT-GARDE"
'The Rolling Stones' "The Rolling CLONES"