
TaskCluster Ship-It Worker

pip install pushsnapscript==0.2.3



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Main script that is aimed to be run with scriptworker (but runs perfectly fine as a standalone script).

Get the code

First, you need python>=3.5.0.

virtualenv3 venv3   # create the virtualenv in ./venv3
. venv3/bin/activate # activate it
git clone https://github.com/mozilla-releng/pushsnapscript
cd pushsnapscript
git submodule init      # Needed to import the necessary bits of snapcraft
git submodule update
pip install pushsnapscript



cp examples/config.example.json config.json
# edit it with your favorite text editor

There are many values to edit. Example values should give you a hint about what to provide. If not, please see signingscript's README for more details about allowing URLs, or contact the author for other unclear areas.

directories and file naming

If you aren't running through scriptworker, you need to manually create the directories that work_dir and artifact_dir point to. It's better to use new directories for these rather than cluttering and potentially overwriting an existing directory. Once you set up scriptworker, the work_dir and artifact_dir will be regularly wiped and recreated.


cp examples/task.example.json /path/to/work_dir
# edit it with your favorite text editor

Ordinarily, scriptworker would get the task definition from TaskCluster, and write it to a task.json in the work_dir. Since you're initially not going to run through scriptworker, you need to put this file on disk yourself.

The important entries to edit are the:

  • upstreamArtifacts: point to the file(s) to publish to Google Play
  • dependencies: need to match the taskIds of the URLs unless you modify the valid_artifact_* config items as specified above
  • scopes: the first and only scope, project:releng:snapcraft:*, tells which channel on Snap store should be updated. For more details about scopes. See scopes.md


You're ready to run pushsnapscript!

pushsnapscript CONFIG_FILE

where CONFIG_FILE is the config json you created above.

running through scriptworker

Follow the scriptworker readme to set up scriptworker, and use ["path/to/pushsnapscript", "path/to/script_config.json"] as your task_script.

⚠️ Make sure your work_dir and artifact_dir point to the same directories between the scriptworker config and the pushsnapscript config!