
Portable pwd (print working directory).

pip install pwdpp==1.0.0



"pwdpp" is a portable pwd (print working directory) written in Python.


  • Python 2.7 or later
  • psutil if you use the official CPython Windows binary.


From source,

$ python install


you@yourhost: ~$ pwdpp --help

usage: pwdpp [-h] [-P] [-L] [-s {bs,fs}] [-W]

Print the full filename of the current working directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -P, --physical
                        avoid all symlinks (default).
                        (if your system can reveal symlinks.)

  -L, --logical
                        use PWD from environment, even if it
                        contains symlinks.
                        (if your system can't detect symlinks,
                        this option has no effect.)

  -s {bs,fs}, --pathsep {bs,fs}

                        specify path separator.
                        (bs: backslash / fs: forward slash.)

                        print the Win32 value of the physical
                        directory. this is a simple emulation of
                        bash's pwd on MSYS(2). Of course, this makes
                        no sense on *nix.

You might have to set PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable, like 'PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8'.


  1. bash's builtin pwd of msys and msys2 has windows specific -W option for printing the real windows path.
  2. but bash's builtin pwd of cygwin doesn't have it.
  3. -W option is of course windows specific, so we can never use it in *nix platform.
  4. Cygwin, msys, and msys2 each maintain their own mount tables, and the absolute path expressions based thereon are different from each other.
  • If you are in these boxes, normally you want to follow these manners.
  • But sometimes you need to know the path as Windows native path.
  • If so, the lack of -W on cygwin's pwd is the matter.

Using pwdpp as Python module

pwdpp as a module is very simple, it exposes only two methods and one variable:

>>> import os
>>> import pwdpp
>>> pwdpp.__all__
[u'caller_type', u'curdir', u'main']
>>> pwdpp.caller_type
(u'win32', u'mingw32', u'C:\\MinGW\\msys\\1.0\\bin\\sh.exe')
>>> help(pwdpp.curdir)
Help on function curdir in module pwdpp:

curdir(physical, winpath=False)
    Return the current directory according to the following rules:
    | from          | python                      | default              |
    | cmd.exe       | official CPython on windows | follow the behavior  |
    |               |                             | of windows native.   |
    | msys          | official CPython on windows | follow the behavior  |
    | (bash, etc.)  +-----------------------------+ of MSYS.             |
    |               | msys CPython? if any,       |                      |
    | msys2         | official CPython on windows | follow the behavior  |
    | (bash, etc.)  +-----------------------------+ of MSYS2.            |
    |               | msys2 CPython               |                      |
    | cygwin        | official CPython on windows | follow the behavior  |
    | (bash, etc.)  +-----------------------------+ of cygwin.           |
    |               | cygwin CPython              |                      |
    | *nix shell    | various                     | follow the behavior  |
    |               |                             | of *nix native.      |
    Except but the case following windows native, physical=True
    corresponds to "pwd -P", physical=False corresponds to "pwd -L".

    If winpath=True, this function follow the behavior of windows native,
    even if cygwin. Of course this makes no sense on real *nix.

>>> pwdpp.curdir(True, True)
>>> pwdpp.curdir(True, False)
>>> os.chdir("c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin")  # my msys root
>>> pwdpp.curdir(True, True)
>>> pwdpp.curdir(True, False)
>>> pwdpp.curdir(True, False).replace(u"\\", u"/")

main is just an entry point to CLI.


1.0.3 (2017-8-09)

  • fix if cwd is msys root.

1.0.2 (2017-8-09)

  • fix if parent is 'env.exe'.
  • second item of caller_type was broken...

1.0.1 (2017-8-09)

  • fix unicode problem (python 3.x)

1.0.0 (2017-8-09)

  • first release