
My build server i run on my home server to check for git repo tags, and push to pypi

pip install py-build-server==0.9.2


An automated build server written for Python2.7

monitors git repository, and when new tagged versions are released, builds and uploads to your chosen repository via twine

you will need to create a `config.yaml` file in ``/etc/py-build-server/` something like:

# this file belongs in /etc/py-build-server/config/yaml
# Demo entry using all possible config options:
# repository_name:  # used to identify repo in this program(purely for human purposes)
#     dir: /path/to/repository/root
#     fetch_frequency: 10  # minutes between checking repository status (default: 10)
#     remote: origin  # remote name to fetch (default: origin)
#     branch: branch_you_wish_to_release  # if set, dont upload unless on this branch
#     twine_conf:
#         username: user  # username to authenticate to repository as
#         password: pass  # password to authenticate to repository with
#         repository:  # repo to upload to (default: pypi)
#         gpg_sign: true|false  # sign files to upload using gpg
#         gpg_program:  # program used to sign uploads(default: gpg)
#         gpg_identity:  # gpg identity used to sign files
#         comment:  # comment to include with distribution file
#         pypirc_file:  # the .pypirc file to use
#         skip_existing: true|false  # continue uploading if one already exists