A package to search and download musics on Deezer

deezer, download-musics, music, python3
pip install py-deezer==1.1.2



A package to search and download musics on Deezer.


pip install py-deezer


Logging In

from pydeezer import Deezer

arl = "edit_this"
deezer = Deezer(arl=arl)
user_info = deezer.user
# or
# deezer = Deezer()
# user_info = deezer.login_via_arl(arl)

You can get the your arl by manually logging into Deezer using and check the cookies and look for the value of arl.


# Some login code here

# Search tracks
track_search_results = deezer.search_tracks("IM DOPE")
# Search albums
album_search_results = deezer.search_albums("DAMN", limit=10)
# Search artists
artist_search_results = deezer.search_artists("J. Cole", limit=5)
# Search playlists
playlist_search_results = deezer.search_playlists("top", index=2)

Getting Information and Downloading

# Some login code here

# Some download stuffs
from pydeezer.constants import track_formats

download_dir = "~/Downloads/"

track_id = "547653622"
track = deezer.get_track(track_id)
# track is now a dict with a key of info, download, tags, and get_tag
# info and tags are dict
track_info = track["info"]
tags_separated_by_comma = track["tags"]
# download and get_tag are partial functions
track["download"](download_dir, quality=track_formats.MP3_320) # this will download the file, default file name is Filename.[mp3 or flac]
tags_separated_by_semicolon = track["get_tag"](separator="; ") # this will return a dictionary similar to track["tags"] but this will override the default separator

artist_id = "53859305"
artist = deezer.get_artist(artist_id)

album_id = "39949511"
album = deezer.get_album(album_id) # returns a dict containing data about the album

playlist_id = "1370794195"
playlist = deezer.get_playlist(playlist_id) # returns a dict containing data about the playlist


I will and should not be held responsible for the usage of this package.

Don't use this package illegaly and against Deezer's Terms Of Use.

This is licensed under GNU GPL v3.