
Easy to install and simple way to access all Roanuz Football APIs. Its a library for showing Live Football Score, Football Schedule and Statistics

pip install py-football==1.0.1


py-football library for Roanuz Football API

py-football library for Python using Roanuz Football API's. Easy to install and simple way to access all Roanuz Football API's. Its a Python library for getting Live Football Score, Cricket Schedule and Statistics.

Getting started

  1. Install py-football using pip install py-football

  2. Create a Football API App here My APP Login

  3. Import pyfootball and create Authentication using 'RcaFileStorageHandler' or 'RcaStorageHandler' approach.For accessing each API we need to get the 'AccessToken'


    //Use your Football API Application details below.
    import pyfootball
    handler = pyfootball.RfaStorageHandler()
    start = pyfootball.RfaApp(access_key="Your_AccessKey", \
                            secret_key="Your_SecretKey", \
                            app_id="Your_APP_ID", \
                            store_handler=handler \
    //RcaFileStorageHandler(from environmental variable)
    Environmental variable:
        RFA_ACCESS_KEY = access_key
        RFA_SECRET_KEY = secret_key
        RFA_APP_ID = app_id
    handler = pyfootball.RfaFileStorageHandler()
    start = pyfootball.RfaApp(store_handler=handler)
    // After Completing Authentication you can successfully access the API's.
    start.get_match("match_key") //Return Match information in json format
    start.get_tournament("tournament_key") //Return tournament information in json format
    For more free API's visit :

List of Roanuz Football API's

Roanuz Football API

This Library uses the Roanuz Football API for fetching football scores and stats.


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