A python wrapper for coalesce objects

pip install pyCoalesce==0.0.43.dev2


Coalesce - A Unified Data Layer (UDL) for Enterprise Data Operations

The Coalesce (TM) Framework is a unified data layer consisting of a data broker, plugin architecture, and supporting web apps to enable "Write Many, Read Many" (WMRM) from a clean, auto-generated API.

For the developer, Coalesce saves you time by allowing you to write to different storage engines in a single call - write to Relational, Geospatial, Document, XML, JSON and many other data stores with a single method call!

For the enterprise, Coalesce enables authoritative data, change management, pedigree capture, cross-domain ready data and metadata management.

Here is a 50,000 foot view of the Coalesce System.

Interested? Want proof? Run our "Out of the Box" Demos! *** URL TBD ***

For further information and instructions - go to our Wiki page (and begin with the Quick Start...)