Create CD, DVD, DVD Dual Layer, and BluRay ISO images under Windows directly from Python

pip install pyIMAPI==0.4.0b2



This is a Python module to provide a tarfile like object to create ISO 9660 .iso files.

What is this repository for?

  • Quick summary Still beginning developemnt.

  • Version v0.1a

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up pip install ./pyIMAPI from source root
  • Configuration
  • %PYTHONPATH% should be set to the root python directory (e.g. c:\python27) VC9 for Python 2.7 is expected from an administrative VS command line, you can run builddistinstallrelease.bat to use msbuild to build and install the release version w/ pdb (i.e. the build is still debuggable in some form) Dependencies
  • How to run tests
  • Deployment instructions

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin bitbucket: ken_long