
Poker hand evaluator written and tested in Python

pip install py_ev==0.0.9


License: MIT Build Status codecov

Lightweight poker library

py_ev is about to be a light-weight poker open-source library written and tested in Python to help all programmers around the world build their poker connected applications.


pip install py_ev


  • Python 3.x

Current functionalities

from py_ev import Evaluator

ev = Evaluator()
  • Evaluator

    • evaluate()
    print(ev.evaluate([(3, 3), (3, 2)], [(2, 2), (11, 3), (3, 4), (10, 2), (7, 3)]))
    # prints 4000420
    • equity()
    print(ev.equity(100000, [(2, 3), (3, 2)], [(3, 3), (4, 2)]))
    # 100000 hands evaluated
    # prints (20.28, 30.8, 48.93)
    # Function returns a tuple: (cards_1_won, cards_2_won, draw)

Future development

Those are just examples of possible directions. Concrete decisions will be made when some contributors join the project.

  1. Adding the most popular poker variants: PLO, 6plus.
  2. Hand history and tournaments summaries parsers.
  3. Data extraction from poker operators (hhs-mining, traffic-mining, etc).
  4. Sitting scripts.

Feel free to open a feature request.

How to join this project?

  1. It's as easy as clicking a "star" icon on the top. It really helps!
  2. We are looking for contributors. If you feel like joining the ranks, read THIS article.

Every help is appreciated. No matter what your programming skills are. You can:

  • improve README
  • write new testcases
  • document code with Docstrings
  • and of course write a new feature!

Feel free to contact me privately on