
pybtreecore - python implementation of core B-Tree methods storage memory management

implementation, of, core, B-Tree, methods, storage, memory, management, pyheapfile, btree, index, memory-management, pybtreecore, python, search
pip install pybtreecore==0.0.3


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pybtreecore - B-Tree (core persistence)

pybtreecore provides core methods for persisting a B-Tree/B+Tree/B*Tree Node, and a list of such Nodes, in a heapfile / dllfile.

for expert reading: B-tree_and_UB-tree

this module contains not the logic for searching, inserting, or deleting data in a tree. it also provides only a minimal set of integrity checks.

What's new ?

Check CHANGELOG for latest ongoing, or upcoming news

memory / file layout

a list of B-Tree element nodes resides inside a dllfile, and heap node as data part. see also pydllfile, and pyheapfile for layout.

general node layout

BTree node

name size (bytes) description
flags 1 boolean bit flags to indicate which fields to persist (see below)
len_high 1 key and data len high nibbles combined, this exists only if key, or data is set
key_len_low 1 key len low byte (2 nibbles), this exists only if key is set
data_len_low 1 data len low byte (2 nibbles), this exists only if data is set
key k bytes key value, this exists only if key is set
data d bytes data value, this exists only if data is set
left xpos bytes left node pointer, this exists only if flag is set
right xpos bytes right node pointer, this exists only if flag is set

a list of nodes is stored as continuously stream of bytes inside a heap node.

BTree node flags

name value description
F_LEAF 1 << 0 node is leaf
F_KEY 1 << 1 node key to persist
F_DATA 1 << 2 node data to persist
F_LEFT 1 << 3 node left xpos to persist
F_RIGHT 1 << 4 node right xpos persist

BTree node list

name size / value description
parent xpos bytes parent node pointer
stream n bytes stream of btcore nodes

a node list resides inside a dllfile (Double Linked List) as data part. refer also for layout pydllfile

remark on hexdump tool

hexdump tool raise error when configured not properly. use valid hex address for node and link. the internal hexdump tool for dumping single b-tree nodes from the btcorefile can be called with:

usage: python3 -m pybtreecore.hexdump [options]

dump heapfile b-tree elements

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show version info and exit
  -V, --verbose         show more info
  -f FILE_NAME, --file FILE_NAME
                        input file
  -n NODE_NO, --node NODE_NO
                        hex address of node. blanks in a quoted string are ignored. address of 0x0 will read the 2nd heap node since a dll element node can not be
                        stored in first heap node. (default: 000000)
  -l LINK_NO, --link LINK_NO
                        hex address of dll element node. blanks in a quoted string are ignored. (default: 000000)
  -aw ADDESS_WIDTH, --addess_width ADDESS_WIDTH
                        hex address width. (default: 6)
  -ls LINK_SIZE, --link_size LINK_SIZE
                        link size. (default: 8)
  -r REL_NO, --relative REL_NO
                        relative position of dll element node. can be combined with -n or -l option. when negative it reads backwards starting from the -n/-l node.
                        keep in mind that -n is an address and -r is a position. (default: 0)
  -nav NAVIGATE, --navigate NAVIGATE
                        combined navigate string such as: {hexnumber[p|l|r]}+, where p: parent, l: left, r: right -: prev leaf node in double linked list +: succ leaf
                        node in double linked list e.g. "-nav 0l1lpp" will navigate node[0].left -> node[1].left -> node.parent -> node.parent (will be again the
                        starting node)
  -w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                        with of data output (default: 16)
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                        group bytes in data output (default: 1)
  -ho, --header_only    prints only header, no data.


  • see other limits also here pydllfile
  • see other limits also here pyheapfile
  • key and data field len is limited to 12 bits (3 nibbles) 2**12 == 4096 bytes max len

Related Projects

search for topic pyheapfile on github to explore related tools/ modules.


Tested on Python3, and Linux.

development status

alpha state. the API or logical call flow might change without prior notice.

read CHANGELOG for latest, or upcoming news.


available on pypi. install with:

python3 -m pip install pybtreecore