
Cherwell REST API Client and Library

OpenAPI, OpenAPI-Generator, Cherwell, REST, API
pip install pycherwell==1.0.2


PyPI version app

Cherwell API Client

Cherwell API

Getting Started


If necessary, upgrade pip:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel twine

Install with PyPI:

pip3 install pycherwell --user

Install from source:

git clone
cd pycherwell
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
python3 install --user --record installed_files.txt

If necessary, uninstall pycherwell:

pip3 uninstall pycherwell
cat installed_files.txt | xargs sudo rm -rf


LDAP Configuration file: ~/.cherwell/config:

client_id = "5d4f6f1b-f0de-4442-8791-4582816b04de"
auth_mode = "LDAP"
username = "MYDOMAIN\myappuser"
password = "xxxxxx"
host = ""
port = "443"
protocol = "https"

LOCAL configuration file: ~/.cherwell/config:

client_id = "5d4f6f1b-f0de-4442-8791-4582816b04de"
auth_mode = "Internal"
username = "Cherwell\myappuser"
password = "xxxxxx"
host = ""
port = "443"
protocol = "https"


The following command checks whether the services is available:

$ cherwell-client --get-service-info --debug

The expected output is:

    "service_info": {
        "api_version": "9.3.2",
        "csm_culture": "en-US",
        "csm_version": "9.3.2",
        "system_date_time": "2019-11-18 18:14:42.510452+00:00"

Usage Instructions

Business Objects

The following commands fetches business object summaries. It is a reference to the IDs for business objects themselves, their fields, states, etc.

cherwell-client --get-business-object-summaries > business-object-summaries.json
    "business_object_summaries": [
            "bus_ob_id": "fe838f7d1a8d4a748940dba7be76995c",
            "display_name": "Incident",
            "first_rec_id_field": "3910bef5813c421a92e4a68eea109a95",
            "group": false,
            "group_summaries": [],
            "lookup": false,
            "major": true,
            "name": "Incident",
            "rec_id_fields": "f5e8c54b647f48ad81e720132624001e",
            "state_field_id": "cb62a991a2cb4fd98cab26c3519b2d92",
            "states": "Pending,Closed,Reopened,New,In Progress,Resolved,Assigned",
            "supporting": false

By default, the tool stores the returned business objects in ~/.cherwell/business_object.json. Subsequent requests return the content of that file, unless the invocation includes --rebase argument.

cherwell-client --get-business-object-summaries --rebase



The following command returns incidents owned by "Application Development" team:

cherwell-client --get-incidents --debug --search-condition "Owned By Team:eq:Application Development"

The following command returns CSV list containing incident ID, type and status of all "Pending" items for "Application Development" team:

cherwell-client --get-incidents \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Pending" \
  --search-condition "Owned By Team:eq:Application Development" \
  --search-field "IncidentID" --search-field "IncidentType" \
  --search-field "Status" --format csv

The following command returns CSV list of unresolved and not closed items for "Application Development" team:

cherwell-client --get-incidents \
  --search-condition "Owned By Team:eq:Application Development" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Pending" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Assigned" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:In Progress" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:New" \
  --search-field "IncidentID" --search-field "IncidentType" --search-field "Status" \
  --search-field "Service" --search-field "Category"  --search-field "Subcategory" \
  --search-field "Customer Display Name" \
  --search-field "Owned By" \
  --search-field "Created Date Time" \
  --search-field "Short Description" \
  --format csv

The following command is a variation of the one above:

cherwell-client --get-incidents \
  --search-condition "Service:eq:Application Support" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Pending" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Assigned" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:In Progress" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:New" \
  --search-field "IncidentID" --search-field "IncidentType" --search-field "Status" \
  --search-field "Service" --search-field "Category"  --search-field "Subcategory" \
  --search-field "Customer Display Name" \
  --search-field "Owned By" \
  --search-field "Owned By Team" \
  --search-field "Created Date Time" \
  --search-field "Short Description" \
  --format csv

Query closed or resolved incidents starting on a specific day, e.g. 5/22/2020:

cherwell-client --get-incidents \
  --search-condition "Service:eq:Application Support" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Closed" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Resolved" \
  --search-condition "Stat_DateTimeResolved:gt:5/22/2020 4:33 AM" \
  --search-field "IncidentID" --search-field "IncidentType" --search-field "Status" \
  --search-field "Service" --search-field "Category"  --search-field "Subcategory" \
  --search-field "Customer Display Name" \
  --search-field "Owned By" \
  --search-field "Owned By Team" \
  --search-field "Created Date Time" \
  --search-field "Short Description" \
  --format csv

Query closed or resolved incidents in the last 7 days:

cherwell-client --get-incidents \
  --search-condition "Service:eq:Application Support" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Closed" \
  --search-condition "Status:eq:Resolved" \
  --search-condition "Stat_DateTimeResolved:gt:7 days ago" \
  --search-field "IncidentID" --search-field "IncidentType" --search-field "Status" \
  --search-field "Service" --search-field "Category"  --search-field "Subcategory" \
  --search-field "Customer Display Name" \
  --search-field "Owned By" \
  --search-field "Owned By Team" \
  --search-field "Created Date Time" \
  --search-field "Short Description" \
  --format csv

The following command returns information about Cherwell Incident 1234567:

cherwell-client --get-incident 1234567 --debug --format yaml


Create an incident:

cherwell-client --create-incident \
  --create-field "ShortDescription:Review Pull Request #9 in App Repo" \
  --create-field "Priority:3" \
  --create-field "IncidentType:Incident" \
  --create-field "Service:Application Development" \
  --create-field "Category:Code Review" \
  --create-field "Subcategory:Other" \
  --create-as "FullName:eq:Smith, John" \

Create a service request:

cherwell-client --create-incident \
  --create-field "ShortDescription:Release app v1.0.0" \
  --create-field "Priority:3" \
  --create-field "IncidentType:Service Request" \
  --create-field "Service:Application Development" \
  --create-field "Category:Release Management" \
  --create-field "Subcategory:Release" \
  --create-as "FullName:eq:Smith, John" \

The expected output is:

    "bus_ob_public_id": "293126",
    "bus_ob_rec_id": "362965e244b242c5a3ba5a2b320baaa54632acf12b",
    "cache_key": null,
    "error_code": null,
    "error_message": null,
    "field_validation_errors": [],
    "has_error": false,
    "notification_triggers": []


Get the list of teams:

cherwell-client --get-teams --format text


Get user information:

cherwell-client --get-requestors --search-condition "FullName:eq:Smith, John"
cherwell-client --get-requestors --search-condition "FirstName:eq:John" --search-condition "LastName:eq:Smith"


The following command outputs journal entries for incident 1234567:

cherwell-client --get-journal --incident-id 1234567 --format text

Additionally, journal entries could be filtered:

cherwell-client --get-journal --incident-id 1234567 --format text \
  --search-condition "Journal Type Name:eq:Journal - Note" \
  --search-condition "Journal Type Name:eq:Journal - Customer Request" \
  --search-condition "Journal Type Name:eq:Journal - History" \
  --search-condition "Created Date Time:gt:7 days ago"