
CLI for accessing coderwall user details

pip install pycoderwall==0.0.1



Simple Pythonic way to access CoderWall profile.

Built With

  • requests
  • Cement


pip install pycoderwall


usage: pycoderwall [-h] [--debug] [--quiet] [-badges] [-endorsements]
[-accounts] [-location] [-team] USERNAME
positional arguments:
USERNAME Pass username of coderwall profile to look for
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug toggle debug output
--quiet suppress all output
-badges, --badges
  Display badges
-endorsements, --endorsements
  Display Endorsement values
-accounts, --accounts
  List all accounts
-location, --location
  Display location
-team, --team List all Teams user is associated with


$pycoderwall kracekumar -accounts

{u'github': u'kracekumar'}
$pycoderwall kracekumar -location

$pycoderwall kracekumar
[{u'accounts': {u'github': u'kracekumar'},
    u'badges': [{u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-05-06T10:13:08Z',
       u'description': u'Have at least one original repo where C is the dominant language',
       u'name': u'T-Rex'},
      {u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-04-13T20:32:09Z',
       u'description': u'The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos',
       u'name': u'Walrus'},
      {u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-04-13T20:32:09Z',
       u'description': u'Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else',
       u'name': u'Forked'},
      {u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-04-13T20:32:09Z',
       u'description': u"Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need",
       u'name': u'Charity'},
      {u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-04-13T20:32:09Z',
       u'description': u'Have at least three original repos where Python is the dominant language',
       u'name': u'Python 3'},
      {u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-04-13T20:32:09Z',
       u'description': u'Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language',
       u'name': u'Python'},
      {u'badge': u'',
       u'created': u'2012-04-13T20:32:08Z',
       u'description': u'Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language',
       u'name': u'Lab'}],
u'endorsements': 0,
u'location': u'Bangalore',
u'name': u'kracekumar',
u'team': None,
u'username': u'kracekumar'}]