
A simple and easy to use library for reading and writing data streams.

binary, data, file, io, stream
pip install pydatastreams==1.3.0



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Because construct was too complicated.

This is a simple and easy to use library that provides two classes. One class serializes data, and the other one deserializes. These classes behave like streams in which they have read, write, close among other stream related functions. The goal of this library is to be as simple as possible while providing flexibility.

To install the library, use the following:

python -m pip install --user -U pydatastreams

To import the library, use the following:

from datastream import SerializingStream, DeserializingStream, TwoWayStream, ByteOrder

Retrieving serialized data from a SerializingStream:

with SerializingStream() as stream:

    serialized = stream.bytes()

    # this also works
    serialized = bytes(stream)

Note: This library also contains a stream for both serializing and deserializing data. This stream is called TwoWayStream.

The stream classes support serializing/deserializing the standard data types:

Data Type Description Serializer Deserializer
int8_t Signed 8-bit number write_int8(value: int) read_int8() -> int
uint8_t Unsigned 8-bit number write_uint8(value: int) read_uint8() -> int
int16_t Signed 16-bit number write_int16(value: int) read_int16() -> int
uint16_t Unsigned 16-bit number write_uint16(value: int) read_uint16() -> int
int32_t Signed 32-bit number write_int32(value: int) read_int32() -> int
uint32_t Unsigned 32-bit number write_uint32(value: int) read_uint32() -> int
int64_t Signed 64-bit number write_int64(value: int) read_int64() -> int
uint64_t Unsigned 64-bit number write_uint64(value: int) read_uint64() -> int
float 32-bit floating point number write_float(value: float) read_float() -> float
double 64-bit floating point number write_double(value: float) read_double() -> float

Additionally, the stream classes also provide the following non-standard data types:

Data Type Description Serializer Deserializer
bool True/False value encoded as a single byte write_bool(value: bool) read_bool() -> bool
uleb128 Variable sized unsigned 128-bit number write_uleb128(value: int) read_uleb128() -> int
write_uleb128_safe(value: int, max_bytes: int = 16) read_uleb128_safe(max_bytes: int = 16) -> int
sleb128 Variable sized signed 128-bit number write_sleb128(value: int) read_sleb128() -> int
write_sleb128_safe(value: int, max_bytes: int = 16) read_sleb128_safe(max_bytes: int = 16) -> int

Finally, the stream classes also provide the following utility functions:

Function Description
set(buffer: bytes | typing.IO[bytes]) Sets the backing stream to the given buffer. DeserializingStream only.
read_until(terminator: bytes) -> bytes Reads len(terminator) bytes from the stream until terminator is found. DeserializingStream only.
read(size: int) -> bytes Reads up to size bytes from the backing stream.
write(data: bytes) Writes the given data to the backing stream.
size() -> int Returns the size of the backing stream.
seek(offset: int, whence: int = io.SEEK_SET) Change the stream position to the given offset.
tell() -> int Returns the current position of the stream.
close() Closes the backing stream.
remaining() -> int Returns the number of bytes remaining in the backing stream.
clone() -> typing.Self Returns a new instance of the same class with the same byte order and contents.
substream(start: int, end: int) -> typing.Self Returns a new instance of the same class, representing a substream of the current stream.
peek(size: int) -> bytes Returns the next size bytes from the stream without advancing the position.
seekpeek(offset: int, size: int) -> bytes Seeks to the specified offset in the data stream, reads the specified number of bytes, and then restores the original position.
search(data: bytes) -> int Searches for the given data in the backing stream.
rsearch(data: bytes) -> int Searches for the given data in the reverse order within the backing stream.
clear() Clears the backing stream by truncating it to 0 bytes and resetting the stream position to the beginning.