
A package for getting Mindustry server status and sending commands.

pip install pydustry==0.0.4



A Python package for controlling Mindustry servers and getting their current status


pydustry.Server(host, server_port = 6567, socketinput_port = 6859)

Server object.

  • host - String. Required. IP address of the server
  • server_port - Int. Defaults at 6567. Port of the server.
  • socketinput_port - Int. Defaults at 6859. Socketinput port of the server.


Returns the status of the server in the form of a dict.


>>> pydustry.Server("").get_status() will output

{"name": "Example Mindustry server",
 "map": "Maze",
 "players": 5, 
 "wave": 10, 
 "version": 89, 
 "vertype": "official"}
  • "name" - String. Name of the server.
  • "map" - String. Map that the server is currently on.
  • "players" - Int. Number of players online.
  • "wave" - Int. Wave that the server is currently on.
  • "version" - Int. Version that the server is on
  • "vertype" - String. Version type of the server.

pydustry.Server.send_command(command) Sends a command through the socketinput port of the server.

  • command - String. Required. Command that gets sent to the server

pydustry.Server.get_ping(timeout = 10.0) Returns the delay it takes packets to come to the server and back in miliseconds (ping).

  • ping - Int.
  • timeout - Numeric, optional

Example codes

import pydustry

# A program that will output the playercount and ping

host = input("Enter the IP address of the Mindustry server:")
port = input("Enter the port of the Mindustry server:")

server = pydustry.Server(host, int(port))

playercount = server.get_status()["players"]
ping =

print("The number of players is: " + str(playercount))
print("And the ping is: " + str(ping))

import pydustry, time

# A program that will autosave the local server every 5 minutes

server = pydustry.Server("localhost")

while True:
    server.send_command("save 0")
    server.send_command("say Saved!")