

pip install pyforms-generic-editor==1.5.1


pyforms generic editor

pyforms generic editor offers a easy way to bootstrap projects that make use of pyforms.

Often, one need to create a GUI with a main window which follows a typical structure: mdi area to open windows, one left dock window (top) to display tree-like information and a left dock window (bottom) to display details depending on the resources selected on the tree.

Moreover, this main window typical offers a set of top menus to organize windows, display app help & info, etc.

By using this generic editor one avoids repeated code by offering a template that can then be extended with more features depeding on a specific app.

main window

Info Pic
Menu About offers info about python, software and libraries version menu about
Menu Window offers basic actions to perform on windows opened in the mdi area menu window

Try it

From inside the project folder run:

python -m pyforms_generic_editor

How to use in other projects

pyforms generic editor needs pyforms to run. The most simple form to use it and extend it is shown in the example below. Just create a class which extends from BaseEditor and pass it to the startApp method of pyforms.

from pyforms_generic_editor.editor.base_editor import BaseEditor
import pyforms

class Editor(BaseEditor):
	def __init__(self):
		# do something here when project is loading	
		super(Editor, self).__init__()

	def initForm(self):
		super(Editor, self).initForm()

		# do something here after project is loaded

def start(): 

if __name__ == '__main__': 