A libft4222 library python wrapper.
Run the create_dev_env.sh
command to create a virtual environment suitable for development:
The pyft4222 package can be installed using pip:
pip install pyft4222
Use virtual environment preferably.
The FT4222 device is not accessible by all users by default.
You can create a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ftdi.rules
make the device available to all users.
# FTDI's ft4222 USB-I2C Adapter
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="601c", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"
Use mypy or other language server that supports Python types. Library functions are easier to use with type hints.
Open an SPI master stream:
from koda import Err, Ok
import pyft4222 as ft
from pyft4222.stream import InterfaceType
from pyft4222.wrapper.spi import ClkPhase, ClkPolarity
from pyft4222.wrapper.spi.master import ClkDiv, SsoMap
# Print out list of connected devices
for dev in ft.get_device_info_list():
# Open device using 'device index'
dev = ft.open_by_idx(0)
# Check if it was opened successfully
# If using Python < 3.10, use "isinstance(dev, Ok)"
match dev:
case Ok(handle):
# Check if the FT4222 mode is as expected
if handle.tag == InterfaceType.DATA_STREAM:
# Use context manager to close the handle automatically at the end of scope
with handle:
# Initialize FT4222 in SPI master mode using a single-bit
# full-duplex transfer
with handle.init_single_spi_master(
) as spi_master:
# Write and read back data simultaneously
read_data = spi_master.single_read_write(
bytes([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04])
print("Data read: ")
print("FT4222 is in invalid mode!")
case Err(err):
print("Couldn't open the handle")
Open an I2C slave stream:
import pyft4222 as ft
from pyft4222.stream import InterfaceType
from koda import Err, Ok
# Print out list of connected devices
for dev in ft.get_device_info_list():
# Open device using 'device index'
dev = ft.open_by_idx(0)
# Check if it was opened successfully
# If using Python < 3.10, use "isinstance(dev, Ok)"
match dev:
case Ok(handle):
# Check if the FT4222 mode is as expected
if handle.tag == InterfaceType.DATA_STREAM:
# The handle is closed automatically at the end of scope
with handle:
# Initialize the FT4222 in I2C slave mode
# The handle is uninitialized automatically at the end of scope
with handle.init_i2c_slave() as iic_slave:
# Set an I2C device address
# Write data into the device buffer
iic_slave.write(bytes([0xFF, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03]))
print("FT4222 is in invalid mode!")
case Err(err):
print("Couldn't open the handle")
Open GPIO stream:
from koda import Err, Ok
import pyft4222 as ft
from pyft4222.stream import InterfaceType
from pyft4222.wrapper.gpio import Direction, PortId
# Print out list of connected devices
for dev in ft.get_device_info_list():
# Open device using 'device index'
result = ft.open_by_idx(0)
# Check if it was opened successfully
# If using Python < 3.10, use "isinstance(dev, Ok)"
match result:
case Ok(handle):
# Check if the FT4222 mode is as expected
if handle.tag == InterfaceType.GPIO:
# The handle is automatically closed at the end of the scope
with handle:
# The handle is automatically uninitialized at the end of the scope
with handle.init_gpio(
) as gpio:
# Disable suspend out, else we cannot control GPIO2
# Disable wakeup interrupt, else we cannot control GPIO3
# Set GPIO port 0 into a logical 1 state
gpio.write(PortId.PORT_0, True)
# Read GPIO port 1 input state
port1_state = gpio.read(PortId.PORT_1)
print("FT4222 is in invalid mode!")
case Err(err):
print("Couldn't open the handle")