
A compilation of utility tools for pygame

pygame, python
pip install pygame-utils==0.3.0


Pygame Utils

A compilation of utility tools (mainly widgets: buttons, checkboxes...) to use with pygame.


Use the package manager pip to install Pygame Utils.

pip install utils-pygame 


So far there are 2 widgets: button and checkbox Every widget has a draw function, that draws the widget. To use it simply call yourWidget.draw(win), where yourWidget corresponds to your widget name and win corresponds to your pygame display.

In almost every widget you don't need to specify every single attribute, default values are used instead.

You can run the file to get a general idea of what the widgets look like as well as using it as a reference or template.

Some common concepts across widgets

Concept Description Type
color Color of the widget (int, int, int)
x X coordinate (top left corner) int
y Y coordinate (top left corner) int
width Width of the widget int
height Height of the widget int


Creating a button:

import PygameUtils as pu
but = pu.button(color, x, y, width, height)

Optional arguments:

Argument Description Type Default Value
text Text displayed in the middle str ""
size Size of the text int 60
font Name of the font to use (system font) str None
outline Outline of the button int 0

Interacting with a button:

Using the isOver(pos) function, you can check if a given position ((x, y) tuple, most likely the position of the mouse) is over the button, associating all kinds of pygame events to it (pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, pygame.MOUSEMOTION).


Creating a checkbox:

import PygameUtils as pu
checkb = pu.checkbox(color, x, y, width, height)

Optional arguments:

Argument Description Type Default Value
outline Outline of the box int 1
check Size of the text bool False
text Text displayed to the right str ""
size Size of the text int 60
font Name of the font to use (system font) str None
textGap Gap between the text and the box int 10

Interacting with a checkbox:

Like the button, you can use the isOver(pos) function to check if a given position is over the box.

The convert() function changes the state of the box, from checked to unchecked or vice versa. Most likely you will want to use this function alongside the isOver(pos) function and the pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event.

The isChecked() function returns the current state of the box (True if checked, False otherwise)
