Welcome to pyGeoSimplify!
pip install pygeosimplify
import pygeosimplify as pgs
from pygeosimplify.simplify.layer import GeoLayer
from pygeosimplify.simplify.detector import SimplifiedDetector
# Set names of branches that specify coordinate system of cells
pgs.set_coordinate_branch("XYZ", "isCartesian")
# Load geometry
geo = pgs.load_geometry("DetectorCells.root", tree_name='treeName')
# Create simplified detector
detector = SimplifiedDetector()
# Add dector layers to detector
layer = GeoLayer(geo, layer_idx)
# Process detector
# Save simplified detector to gdml file
detector.save_to_gdml(cyl_type='processed', output_path='processed.gdml')
pyGeoSimplify is free of use and open-source. All versions are published under the MIT License.