
Python client for Jboss and Wildfly api

api-client, jboss, python, wildfly
pip install pyjboss==0.0.3


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Client for jboss and Wildfly API written in python

This module can be used to obtain information about jboss/wildfly and its resources in a simple way for implementation, and too used by command line.


Install the pyjboss with pip

pip install pyjboss


  • Jboss EAP >= 7
  • Wildfly >= 10

Python Compatibility

  • Python >= 2.7
  • Python >= 3.0

Example use python command line (cli)

How to create a object and get information about jvm memory in a jboss running in standalone mode.

>>> from pyjboss import PyJboss
>>> objboss = PyJboss(controller='ip_host_controller', user='jboss_admin_user' , password='jboss_admin_password')
>>> objboss.utils.get_memory_info()
{'heap-memory-usage': {'init': 67108864, 'used': 61638768, 'committed': 103874560, 'max': 518979584}, 'non-heap-memory-usage': {'init': 7667712, 'used': 118607784, 'committed': 134217728, 'max': 780140544}, 'object-name': 'java.lang:type=Memory', 'object-pending-finalization-count': 0, 'verbose': False}

How to create a object and get information about the datasource ExampleDS in a jboss running in domain mode where, there is a host in domain called master and the server of this host is called server-one

>>> from pyjboss import PyJboss
>>> objboss = PyJboss(controller='ip_domain_controller', user='jboss_admin_user' , password='jboss_admin_password', host='master', server='server-one')
>>> objboss.datasource.get(datasource_type='datasource', datasource_name='ExampleDS')
{'allocation-retry': None, 'allocation-retry-wait-millis': None, 'allow-multiple-users': False, 'authentication-context': None, 'background-validation': None, 'background-validation-millis': None, 'blocking-timeout-wait-millis': None, 'capacity-decrementer-class': None, 'capacity-decrementer-properties': None, 'capacity-incrementer-class': None, 'capacity-incrementer-properties': None, 'check-valid-connection-sql': None, 'connectable': False, 'connection-listener-class': None, 'connection-listener-property': None, 'connection-url': 'jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE', 'credential-reference': None, 'datasource-class': None, 'driver-class': None, 'driver-name': 'h2', 'elytron-enabled': False, 'enabled': True, 'enlistment-trace': False, 'exception-sorter-class-name': None, 'exception-sorter-properties': None, 'flush-strategy': None, 'idle-timeout-minutes': None, 'initial-pool-size': None, 'jndi-name': 'java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS', 'jta': True, 'max-pool-size': None, 'mcp': 'org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.mcp.SemaphoreConcurrentLinkedDequeManagedConnectionPool', 'min-pool-size': None, 'new-connection-sql': None, 'password': 'sa', 'pool-fair': None, 'pool-prefill': None, 'pool-use-strict-min': None, 'prepared-statements-cache-size': None, 'query-timeout': None, 'reauth-plugin-class-name': None, 'reauth-plugin-properties': None, 'security-domain': None, 'set-tx-query-timeout': False, 'share-prepared-statements': False, 'spy': False, 'stale-connection-checker-class-name': None, 'stale-connection-checker-properties': None, 'statistics-enabled': True, 'track-statements': 'NOWARN', 'tracking': False, 'transaction-isolation': None, 'url-delimiter': None, 'url-selector-strategy-class-name': None, 'use-ccm': True, 'use-fast-fail': False, 'use-java-context': True, 'use-try-lock': None, 'user-name': 'sa', 'valid-connection-checker-class-name': None, 'valid-connection-checker-properties': None, 'validate-on-match': None, 'connection-properties': None, 'statistics': {'jdbc': None, 'pool': None}}

Example use bash terminal

How to get information about ejb thread pool called default in standalone mode.

$ python -m pyjboss -u jboss_admin_user -p jboss_admin_password -c ip_host_controller ejb --thread-pool-name default
  "active-count": 0,
  "completed-task-count": 0,
  "core-threads": null,
  "current-thread-count": 0,
  "keepalive-time": {
    "time": 60,
    "unit": "SECONDS"
  "largest-thread-count": 0,
  "max-threads": 10,
  "name": "default",
  "queue-size": 0,
  "rejected-count": 0,
  "task-count": 0,
  "thread-factory": null

How get help in shell command line

$ python -m pyjboss -h
usage: jbosspy [-h] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-c CONTROLLER] [--host HOST]
               [--server SERVER] [-v]
               {ejb,message,datasource,utils} ...

This package can be used to call the jbossapi by http protocol and return

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USER, --user USER  Jboss user with administrator permissions.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Jboss user password.
  -c CONTROLLER, --controller CONTROLLER
                        IP or name of Jboss host controller, or domain
  --host HOST           A host from domain. This option is only necessary if
                        your jboss is running in domain mode.
  --server SERVER       A server from the host. This option is only necessary
                        if your jboss is running in domain mode.
  -v, --verbose

    ejb                 Manage ejb resources
    message             Manage message resources
    datasource          Manage datasource resources
    utils               Get information aboute many resources in general

How get help about especific command, ex: datasource.

$ python -m pyjboss datasource -h
usage: jbosspy datasource [-h] [--datasource DATASOURCE]
                          [--xa-datasource XA_DATASOURCE]
                          [--list {datasource,xa-datasource}]

Get information about datasources

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --datasource DATASOURCE
                        Show information about an datasource, important: to
                        obtain more information enable datasource statistic
  --xa-datasource XA_DATASOURCE
                        Return information about an xa-datasource, important:
                        to obtain more information enable datasource statistic
  --list {datasource,xa-datasource}
                        Obtain a list of datasources


This module are in the beginning of development and has the features bellow.

  • Datasource: Get information about datasources and xa-datasources.
  • Message: Get information about messages in a queue or a topic as well list queues or topics.
  • Ejb: Get information about thread pools ejb.
  • Utils: Get information about jvm memory.
  • Logging: Get information about log's file and permit obtain lines from log.
  • Deployment: Get information about packages deployed.