
A high level JDBC API

pip install pyjdbcconnector==0.1.1


PyPI version Documentation Status License: MIT Say Thanks!


pyJDBCConnector is a high level JDBC connection API that was designed to provide a further abstraction for jdbc connections in python. This package is designed as an introduction to jdbc connections in Python and as such provides much less customizability with a focus on accessibility.


This package came about due to intricacies of dealing with the Denodo JDBC driver with SSL enabled. The jaydebeapi package that this package is heavily reliant on doesn't provide the ability to specify the location of a Trust Store file at JVM start-up. This was a big problem for us and we needed to solve this for analysts with less engineering experience and enable them to get an introduction to Python programming with familiar data.


  • Currently this package has only been tested for the Denodo JDBC driver



This package is currently on PyPi and can be installed through:

pip install pyjdbcconnector

This package is driven primarily through config files. To understand how config files are set up please see the Documentation

Connect to a Denodo JDBC with SSL enabled

This example demonstrates how to use the DenodoConnector
api for connecting to a Denodo based JDBC with a Trust Store
import pandas as pd

from pyjdbcconnector.connectors import DenodoConnector

# Initialize a DenodoConnector object
# the DenodoConnector object acts as 
# a builder.
dc = DenodoConnector()

# Here, we build the connection using the built-in
# builder functions
conn = dc\

# this connection acts as a normal sql connection and we can use it
# as we would use any other connection in Python

# Assuming we want to read a table into a pandas dataframe
SQL_QUERY = "select * from tablename"
data = pd.read_sql(SQL_QUERY, conn)

To connect to a JDBC without SSL, omit the lines that require a Trust Store.