
Run your local python AWS Lambda locally and deploy to S3.

aws, lambda, s3
pip install pylambda==0.1.1


Python AWS Local Lambda

Easily test and deploy your AWS Lambda function.


  • Python 2.7.x
  • pip
  • AWS Account (For deploying)

Since AWS currently only supports Python 2.7, you must ensure your function is tested and working in Python 2.7 before deploying.


Installation should be done using pip: pip install pylambda

Once installed, make sure you setup the AWS CLI by following:

Getting Started

Once installed you can run pylambda from the console.

Run pylambda -h to see help options.

Running Your Lambda

To run your lambda function, use the following command:

pylambda run -e event.json -n handler


  • file : the name of the python file that contains the lambda function. REQUIRED
  • -e, --event : the json file that contains the event data. Must be a parsable json file. OPTIONAL
  • -n, --name : the name of the function that should be called by lambda. Default 'handler'. OPTIONAL

Deploying to S3

To deploy your code as a zip to S3 navigate to the folder where your lambda function is contained and run:

pylambda deploy my_lambda_directory_path s3://mybucket -n my_lambda_function

  • my_lambda_directory_path = The path to the directory that contains your lambda function and requirements.txt file.
  • s3://mybucket = The location of your S3 bucket. This should follow the AWS CLI for S3 locations.
  • my_lambda_function = The name of the zip file.

NOTE: you must have a proper requirements.txt within the same folder as your lambda function if you are using external libraries installed with pip. The deploy functionality will automatically bundle in these dependencies before uploading.


  • directory : the directory path that contains your lambda.
  • s3_bucket : the location of your S3 bucket. Must follow the AWS CLI format. REQUIRED
  • -n, --name : the name of the zip file that will be uploaded to S3.