
A python loading bar to use in terminal applications

pip install pyloading-bar==0.0.1



How to install

Just use pip:

$ pip install pyloading-bar==0.0.1

How to use:

For now pyloading_bar is a very simple package to draw a simple progress bar in the terminal:

There's two versions of the bar. The Bar (most simple version of the bar):

from pyloading_bar import Bar

number_of_steps = 2
bar = Bar(number_of_steps)
# do something
# do something

The usual bar is like this:

And the RangeBar, this object is created to be used just like an interator on the for loop:

from pyloading_bar import RangeBar

for i in RangeBar(10):

You can chage the bar by the symbol parameter:

from pyloading_bar import RangeBar
number_of_steps = 10
for step in RangeBar(number_of_steps, symbol='@'):

now the bar look like this:

or a full string and it'll iterate thru the string to display inner steps:

from pyloading_bar import RangeBar
number_of_steps = 10
for step in RangeBar(number_of_steps, symbol='▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█'):

now the bar look like this:
[█▇ ]

if you want to change the walls of the bar, you can use the template parameter: with the template you MUST use some char at the begining and at the end of the bar.

from pyloading_bar import RangeBar
number_of_steps = 10
for step in RangeBar(number_of_steps, template='|▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█|'):

now the bar look like this:
|█▇ |

And if you want that the terminal don't update the last line with the new progress bar state (the progress bar assume by default that you don't print anything to the terminal), just say to the progress bar print a new line to each step:

from pyloading_bar import Bar

# The paramenter "symbol" change the character used into the loading bar
number_of_steps = 10
for step in RangeBar(number_of_steps, symbol='@', update_terminal=False):