
A Python MELSEC Communication library for communicating with Mitsubishi PLCs.

mc, melsec, mitsubishi, mitsubishi-plc, plc, pymelsec, python3
pip install pymelsec==0.2.3



A Python3 implementation of MELSEC Communication Protocol that allows you to interact with a Mitsubishi PLC.


pip3 install pymelsec

Protocol type

pymelsec natively supports MELSEC Communication 3E type.
4E type is implemented. But not tested.
1C~4C type is not supported.

Supported PLC series

  • Q Series
  • L Series
  • QnA Series
  • iQ-L Series
  • iQ-R Series

A and FX series are not supportted because they does not support 3E or 4E type.

How to use mc protocol

1. Set up PLC

You need to open PLC's port for MELSEC Communication by GxWorks2 or GxWorks3 software.

  1. Set IP address for PLC. PLC manuals:
  2. Default port should be 5007
Port Number Application
0x1388 (5000) For future extension (For Q series Ethernet modules, this port number is used for "Auto Open UDP Port".)
0x1389 (5001) For future extension (For Q series Ethernet modules, this port number is used for "over UDP/IP and Ethernet module".)
0x138A (5002) For future extension (For Q series Ethernet modules, this port number is used for "over TCP/IP and Ethernet module".)
0x138B (5003) to 0x138D (5005) For future extension
0x138E (5006) MELSOFT communication port (over UDP/IP and CPU module)
0x138F (5007) MELSOFT communication port (over TCP/IP and CPU module)
0x1390 (5008) MELSOFT direct connection port (over CPU module
0x1391 (5009) For future extension

2. Connect and Send Commands

from datetime import datetime
from pymelsec import Type3E, Type4E
from pymelsec.constants import DT
from pymelsec.tag import Tag

    Tag(device="X0", type=DT.BIT),      # Test BIT
    Tag(device="X1", type=DT.BIT),      # Test BIT
    Tag(device="X2", type=DT.BIT),      # Test BIT
    Tag(device="X3", type=DT.BIT),      # Test BIT
    Tag(device="D200", type=DT.sWORD),  # Test WORD signed
    Tag(device="D201", type=DT.uWORD),  # Test WORD unsigned
    Tag(device="D202", type=DT.sDWORD), # Test DWORD signed
    Tag(device="D204", type=DT.uDWORD), # Test DWORD unsigned
    Tag(device="D206", type=DT.FLOAT),  # Test FLOAT
    Tag(device="D208", type=DT.DOUBLE), # Test DOUBLE

    Tag(device="X0", value=0, type=DT.BIT),                     # Test BIT
    Tag(device="X1", value=1, type=DT.BIT),                     # Test BIT
    Tag(device="X2", value=0, type=DT.BIT),                     # Test BIT
    Tag(device="X3", value=1, type=DT.BIT),                     # Test BIT
    Tag(device="D200", value=-20000, type=DT.sWORD),            # Test WORD signed
    Tag(device="D201", value=20100, type=DT.uWORD),             # Test WORD unsigned
    Tag(device="D202", value=-20200000, type=DT.sDWORD),        # Test DWORD signed
    Tag(device="D204", value=20400000, type=DT.uDWORD),         # Test DWORD unsigned
    Tag(device="D206", value=-206.206206, type=DT.FLOAT),       # Test FLOAT
    Tag(device="D208", value=208.208208208208, type=DT.DOUBLE), # Test DOUBLE

### NOTE:
# LWORD (signed/unsigned) is not available in Mitsubishi,
# but we can technically support since it occupies 8 bytes like a DOUBLE.

__PORT = 5007           # OPTIONAL: default is 5007
__PLC_TYPE = 'iQ-R'     # OPTIONAL: default is 'Q'
                        # options: 'L', 'QnA', 'iQ-L', 'iQ-R'

with Type4E(host=__HOST, port=__PORT, plc_type=__PLC_TYPE) as plc:
    # Use ascii byte communication, (Default is "binary")
    # plc.set_access_opt(comm_type="ascii")

    # read 5 contiguous words starting from "D0" to "D4"
    # Returns a list of int (e.g. [0, 10, 20, 30, 40])
    read_result = plc.batch_read_words(ref_device="D0", read_size=5)

    # read 5 contiguous bits starting from "X0" to "X10"
    # Returns a list of int (e.g. [0, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    # 0 is False, 1 is True
    read_result = plc.batch_read_bits(ref_device="X0", read_size=5)

    # write from "D0" to "D4"
    plc.batch_write_words(ref_device="D0", values=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40])

    # write from "Y0" to "Y4"
    plc.batch_write_bits(ref_device="Y0", values=[0, 1, 0, 1, 0])

    # read WORDS "D1000" and "D2000", and DWORD "D3000".
    word_result, dword_result = plc.random_read(word_devices=["D1000", "D2000"], dword_devices=["D3000"])

    # write 10 to "D10", 20 to "D20", and 655362 to DWORD "D3000"
        word_devices=["D1000", "D1002"],
        word_values=[1000, 2000], 

    # write 1(ON) to "X0", 0(OFF) to "X10"
    plc.random_write_bits(bit_devices=["X0", "X10"], values=[1, 0])

    # write randomly mixed data types

    # read randomly mixed data types
    read_result =

4. Utility Functions

If you connect to your system by E71 module, Ethernet communication module,
These commands are available.

If you connect to PLC directly, C059 error returns.

with Type4E(host=__HOST, port=__PORT, plc_type=__PLC_TYPE) as plc:

    # Unlock PLC
    # Except iQ-R, password is 4 character.
    # If you want to hide password from program
    # You can enter password directly

    # Lock PLC

    # remote run, clear all device
    plc.remote_run(clear_mode=2, force_exec=True)

    # remote stop

    # remote latch clear. (have to PLC be stopped)

    # remote pause
    # force to pause with force_exec=True

    # remote reset

    # read PLC type
    # returns a tuple
    cpu_info = plc.read_cpu_type()
    # access name: cpu_info.type (e.g. 'R08ENCPU')
    # access code: cpu_info.code (e.g. '4806')

    # read PLC status -> returns a tuple
    cpu_state = plc.read_cpu_status()
    # access status: cpu_state.status (e.g. 'Stop')
    # access cause: cpu_state.cause (e.g. 'By Error')

    # turn off error led

    # turn off indicator error led
    # Q/L series:
    # * turn off channel 1: channel=1 (default)
    # * turn off channel 2: channel=2
    # * turn off channel 1/2: channel=3

    # read PLC physical switch
    plc_status = plc.read_switch_status()

    # read PLC time
    # returns datetime object
    plc_time = plc.read_plc_time()

    # sync PLC time
    # returns the set time
    # set to host time: utc=False (default)
    # set to UTC time: utc=True
    synced_time = plc.sync_plc_time(utc=False)

    # set PLC time
    # input takes dattime object
    # returns the set time
    # set to current host time:
    # set to utc time: dt=datetime.utcnow()
    set_time = plc.set_plc_time(

    # request loopback test
    # input only accepts ASCII characters
    # returns tuple
    loopback_result = plc.loopback_test(echo_data="hello")
    # access data length: loopback_result.length
    # access data string: