
Optical flow library for python.

of, optical-flow, python, toolkit
pip install pynpflow==0.1



Set of tools for reading, visualizing,writting and computing error optical flow in middlebury/kitti format. Numpy warper to create OF class fully compatible.


There are two main files. flowlib provides simple functions directly relying on the mentioned libraries. All of them takes flows/paths_to_flows as input, therefore they can be easily used for a certain task.

flowlibwarped provides a subclass of numpy arrays which incorporates the functions defined in flowlib as methods of the array. It does not overwrite numpy functions/methods but complement them.



  • numpy

Optionals (For reading,writing or plotting some certain formats)

  • pypng
  • matplotlib
  • imageio
  • cv2


This library allows to easily work with single/multiple optical flows.


from flowlibwarped import npflow as fl
flow = fl(input)

Input can be:

  • a np.ndarray with shape = (N,H,W,C) or shape = (H,W,C) N: Number of OF C: OF channels
  • a path_to_of_file .flo/.png/.jpg/.jpeg
  • a list of ordered paths

Methods and features

fl.fp2int(ui=8) returns a mapped conversion from floating point to np.uintN
fl.int2fp(ui=8) returns a mapped conversion from np.uintN to float
fl.asimage(display = False) returns a np.uin8 middlebury color code image. Display optionally prints in console some data.
fl.scale(new_range,[dtype]) returns the optical flow mapped into the desired range. new_range is a tuple or list with the new desired range and dtype a numpy dtype
Stores optical flow in .flo/.png/.jpg files.
filename: str or list of strings. Path to save optical flow(s).
idx: int or list of int. In case of working with several optical flows, indices of the desired optical flow(s). Allows to save a single OF (set it as int) or several optical flows (set it as a list of indices which points to the OFs you want to save)
workers: integer. To speed up this process multiprocessing is applied. Set the number of threads to be used. Default: all

Class iterator

You can iterate over the optical flows in a simple way:

from flowlibwarped import npflow as fl
flow = fl(input)

for flow_i in flow:

But you can also iterate on a subset of the optical flows using numpy indexing:

for flow_i in flow[index0:indexN]:
for flow_i in flow[::2]:

Calling the instance

Calling the instance returns 3 different things depending on the synthax:

  • No arguments: Returns the optical flow as a np.ndarray object.
from flowlibwarped import npflow as fl
flow = fl(input)
flow() #Returns a np.ndarray of the optical flow
  • integer argument:
flow(5) #Equivalent to flow[5]. No indexing allowed here.
  • tuple argument: (idx_initial,idx_final,[step]) Allows to set config the iterator. By default parameters goes form initial index 0 to the last OF and step 1. Note: The step parameters is copied when performing operations.

for flow_i in flow:
#Is equivalent to:
for flow_i in flow[5:10]:
#Note that if you modify the step value:
for flow_i in flow[::2]:
#You would be picking 1 out of 4 OFs there and after assigning a new subset
subset = flow[2:10]
subset.step #Will be equal to flow.step

Optical Flow format supported

At the time of reading or writting, the format conditions the io. To properly save an optical flow the format of the filename parsed to a function must be either.flo, .jpg or .png .jpg / .jpeg: Reads/writes a 3-channel uint8 jpg image being the channel 1 and 2 the components of the OF. The channel 3 is filled with zeros at the time of writting. This is a very fast method since it relies on scipy libraries. The average weight of a file is ~15 kBytes for a 300x640 OF.
.png Reads a 3 channel .png image (Kitty format) or a 2-channel .png image of type uint16. Writes a 2-channel .png image type uint16 (uint8 allowed)
Read/writes the standar .flo format