Python Object-Orinted MySQL interface

pip install pyoomysql==0.2.11



Python Object-Orinted MySQL interface.

This allows to interact ith MySQL/MariaDB databases easily by constructing objects.

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Classes / Objects
  3. Functions
  4. Samples

1. Requirements

The MySQLLib package is developed fully in Python3 and is not compatible with Python 2.X at all. Please use Python 3.6 or later to ensure the best compatibility. This package uses mysql-connector-python as backend. Make sure you have it installed by issuing the following command:

pip install mysql-connector-python

2. Classes


The database class represents a simple pair hostname:port and holds connection status and other useful information about the Database itself and the connection, when the last is established.


  • auth_plugin

    Authentication plugin support.

  • connection

    Existing connection object (from mysql.connector.connection) or None if there is no connection.

  • hostname

    Hostname/IP address used to connect to.

  • password

    Password used for connecting to the database.

  • port

    Port used to connect to the database. Defaults to 3306

  • schema

    As in the default schema used for connecting to the database

  • username

    Username set for the connection.


  • __init__(hostname, port=3306, schema, log_level)

    Constructor that will set hsotname, port and default schema along with the standard log_level INFO (as in the standard library logging.INFO)

  • connect(username: string, password: string, [schema]: string, [auth_plugin]: string)

    Connects to the host:port using the provided username and password. The schema defaults to "information_schema"

  • disconnect

    Closes the current connection if any

  • execute(command: string)

    Executes a command in the database provided that there's a connection established.

  • flush_privileges

    Flushes privileges after granting/revoking

  • get_schema

    Returns a dictionary with information about particular schema

  • get_schemas

    Returns a dictionary with information about all the schemas found in the database

  • get_user_by_name

    Returns user/host information for a given username, it might be more than one

  • get_user_by_name_host

    Returns exactly one user/host information for a given username

  • get_version

    Returns the MySQL version

  • is_connected()

    Returns True if there's a connection established or False otherwise.

  • load_schemas

    Loads schemas to the databas

  • reconnect

    Reconnects to the database in case of lost connection with same username and password


The schema class represents a schema within a database, thus it requires a database object to be passed to it at creation time.


  • charset

    Returns the character set for the schema

  • collation

    Returns collation for the schema

  • database

    Returns hostname:port information about the database where the schema resides

  • name

    Returns the name of the schema

  • tables

    Returns a list with the names of the tables in the schema


  • compare

    Allows the comparison of 2 schema objects

  • get_table

    Returns information about a particular table

  • get_tables

    Returns a list of the tables found in the schema

  • load_tables

    Loads the tables to the schema attribute


The Table class represents a particular table within a schema within a database.


  • database

    Database whrre the table resides

  • fqn

    Fully qualified name of the table in the form {schema_name}.{table_name}

  • name

    Name of the table

  • schema

    Schema where the table resides


  • compare_data

    Allows to compare row-per-row the contents of the table with another one

  • delete

    Deletes rows from a table based on filters

  • get_columns

    Returns a list with the names of the columns in the table

  • get_insert_statement

    Returns the normal SQL insert statement for the table

  • get_rowcount

    Returns the number of rows in the table

  • insert

    Inserts data in the table

  • truncate

    Truncates the table, removing all data

  • update

    Update rows in the Table based on some filters


The User class represents a User within the database


  • exists

    Boolean showing if the user exists or not

  • grants

    List of privileges that the user has

  • host

    Host authorized to connect from

  • roles

    List of roles granted to the user

  • username

    This is self explanatory


  • create

    Create the user if it doesn't exist in the database

  • drop

    Drops the user if it exists in the database

  • get_grants

    Under development

  • update

    Updates the user if it exists in the database

3. Functions

Util: SQL

4. Samples

# Import the package
import pyoomysql

# Create Database object
mydb = pyoomysql.Datbase(
    hostname = "",
    port = 3306

# Connect

# Create a schema object
myschema = pyoomysql.Schema(
    database = mydb,
    name = "some_schema"

# Create Table object
mytable = pyoomysql.Table(
    schema = myschema,
    name = "some_table"

# Create User object
myuser = pyoomysql.User(
    name = "some_nice_username",
    host = "% or host to connect from",
    password = "very_long_and_strong_password"

# Create the user in the database