
A database for processing and storing datasets based on LevelDB

levelDB, big, data, science
pip install pypeline-db==0.2.1


This project has been closed, and my development effort will be transitioned to dat. Dat has a similar mission, is also built on levelDB, and supports many features that pypeline doesn't have.

Pypeline DB

Pypeline DB is designed to simplify the creation and management of datasets. It has a friendly and easy-to-master API backed by the power of LevelDB. This allows it to manage datasets too large to fit in RAM without sacrificing data access performance.

Pypeline is great for:

  • Exploring data without eating all your RAM
  • Transforming data with maps, filters and reductions
  • Stopping you from losing or overwriting your data (unless you explicitly ask it to)

It's also easy to export a dataset from Pypeline to Pandas for further analysis.
