
A library to convert between Sigstore Bundles and PEP-740 Attestation objects

pip install pypi-attestation-models==0.0.2



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A library to generate and convert between Sigstore Bundles and PEP 740 Attestation objects.


python -m pip install pypi-attestations

Usage as a command line tool

python -m pypi_attestations --help
usage: pypi-attestation [-h] [-v] [-V] COMMAND ...

Sign, inspect or verify PEP 740 attestations

positional arguments:
  COMMAND        The operation to perform
    sign         Sign one or more inputs
    verify       Verify one or more inputs
    inspect      Inspect one or more inputs

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  run with additional debug logging; supply multiple times to
                 increase verbosity (default: 0)
  -V, --version  show program's version number and exit

Signing a package

# Generate a whl file
make package
python -m pypi_attestations sign dist/pypi_attestations-*.whl

Note: This will open a browser window to authenticate with the Sigstore OAuth flow.

Inspecting a PEP 740 Attestation

python -m pypi_attestations inspect dist/pypi_attestations-*.whl.publish.attestation

Warning: Inspecting does not mean verifying. It only prints the structure of the attestation.

Verifying a PEP 740 Attestation

python -m pypi_attestations verify --staging \
  --identity \

The attestation present in the test has been generated using the staging environment of Sigstore and signed by William.

Usage as a library

See the full API documentation here.

Signing and verification

Use these APIs to create a PEP 740-compliant Attestation object by signing a Python artifact (i.e: sdist or wheel files), and to verify an Attestation object against a Python artifact.

from pathlib import Path

from pypi_attestations import Attestation
from sigstore.oidc import Issuer
from sigstore.sign import SigningContext
from sigstore.verify import Verifier, policy

artifact_path = Path("test_package-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl")

# Sign a Python artifact
issuer = Issuer.production()
identity_token = issuer.identity_token()
signing_ctx = SigningContext.production()
with signing_ctx.signer(identity_token, cache=True) as signer:
    attestation = Attestation.sign(signer, artifact_path)


# Verify an attestation against a Python artifact
attestation_path = Path("test_package-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl.attestation")
attestation = Attestation.model_validate_json(attestation_path.read_bytes())
verifier = Verifier.production()
policy = policy.Identity(identity="", issuer="")
attestation.verify(verifier, policy, attestation_path)

Low-level model conversions

These conversions assume that any Sigstore Bundle used as an input was created by signing a distribution file.

from pathlib import Path
from pypi_attestations import Attestation
from sigstore.models import Bundle

# Sigstore Bundle -> PEP 740 Attestation object
bundle_path = Path("test_package-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl.sigstore")
with"rb") as f:
    sigstore_bundle = Bundle.from_json(
attestation_object = Attestation.from_bundle(sigstore_bundle)

# PEP 740 Attestation object -> Sigstore Bundle
attestation_path = Path("attestation.json")
with"rb") as f:
    attestation = Attestation.model_validate_json(
bundle = attestation.to_bundle()