
A tool to initialize a python project with all basic files and configurations

project, init, python, cli
pip install pyproject-init==0.1.0a0


PYPROJECT_INIT, the python project initializer

This is a simple python project initializer. It creates any file and directory structure needed for a python project, depending on the options you provide.


  • add function for creating the chosen license file
  • add function for creating the chosen gitignore file
  • add function for creating the chosen README file
  • modify each os.system() call to use the subprocess module
  • wrap the whole thing in a class
  • simplify entry point
  • add tests
  • add documentation
  • add pyproject.toml file
  • wrap the whole thing in a package
  • publish the package on pypi
  • add a command line interface
  • test it vanilla
  • Change options setuppy and setupcfg to setup
  • Change options pyproject to make setup a flag. If setup is true, then create and setup.cfg. If setup is false, then create pyproject.toml
  • Cut the code into smaller functions if possible


This package is a simple python project initializer. It creates a directory structure and files for a python project, depending on the options you provide. It can create a directory structure for a simple python project, a python package, or a python package with a CLI. It embeds:

  • a license file, default containing the MIT license but can be changed to any other license that is available on the website
  • a gitignore file, default containing the standard python gitignore fields
  • a README file, default containing a simple template that you can modify
  • a pyproject.toml file, default containing the standard fields for a python package. This file is only created if you choose to create a python package or a python app.
  • a setup.cfg file, default containing the standard fields for a python package. This file is only created if you choose to create a python package or a python app.
  • a file, default containing the standard fields for a python package. This file is only created if you choose to create a python package or a python app.
  • a directory structure, default containing a simple python package with a simple module and a simple test module. This directory structure is only created if you choose to create a python package or a python app. The directory structure is composed of a package directory, a test directory, every file needed, and a simple module and a simple test module.
  • If needed, this package can also create a simple Dockerfile that you can use to containerize your python app.


The pyproject.toml,setup.cfg, and files are optional and cannot be created together. If you choose to use a pyproject.toml project file (which is the new standard for python projects), the other two files will not be created. If you choose to use a setup.cfg file, the file will be created and not the pyproject.toml file.


You can either clone the repository and install the package from the source code, or you can install it from pypi.

pip install pyproject-init


Note that the new recommended way to use and install packages is to use virtual environments, so you might want to create one before installing the package.


The package provide a command line interface with 2 main commands: lib and app. The lib command is used to create a simple python package, and the app command is used to create a python package with a CLI. Each of the commands has same options and arguments. Please refer to the help message or the documentation for more information.

pyproject-init lib --help
pyproject-init app --help


Here are some examples of how to use the package.

Create a simple python package

pyproject-init lib my_package

This will create a directory structure and files for a simple python package. The directory structure will look like this:


Create a python package with git initialized

This command line will create a simple python package and initialize a git repository in the directory.

pyproject-init lib my_package --git

Create a python package with a Dockerfile

This command line will create a simple python package and a Dockerfile in the directory.

pyproject-init lib my_package --docker

Create a python package with a different license

This command line will create a simple python package with a different license. The license must be available on the website.

pyproject-init lib my_package --license gpl-3.0

Create a python package with pyproject.toml

This command line will create a simple python package with a pyproject.toml file instead of the setup.cfg and files.

pyproject-init lib my_package --pyproject

Create a python package with


If you want to contribute to this project, you can either open an issue or a pull request. Please refer to the file for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more information.


This project was created by Quentin Haenn. You can contact me at