
A tween checking file uploads for viruses using clamav.

wsgi, pylons, pyramid, clamav, virus, pyramid-framework, python
pip install pyramid-clamav==0.5



Pyramid tween which checks file uploads for viruses using clamav.

You need to have a running clamav installation on your system to which the tween can connect via a unix socket. You can set the socket path in your config (pyramid_clamav.socket), but the defaults should work on most systems.

If you want to deactivate scanning (i.e. for testing or your local development environment), you can set pyramid_clamav.debug to a value. Then flash- and logmessages are generated if there was a file upload and clamav is not properly configured.

If a virus was found, the file is removed from the request. The field which was used to upload the file should handle it like no file was uploaded.

A flashmessage is presented to the user stating that a file contained a virus and it has been removed.

It should also work for multiple files.

This project was conceived by Daniel Havlik (