
Integrate Assetgen with the Pyramid framework.

pip install pyramid_assetgen==0.4.1


Pyramid Assetgen

pyramid_assetgen allows you to integrate Assetgen with a Pyramid project.


Include the package, set a custom request factory (using AssetGenRequestMixin as the first class you inherit from):

class MyRequest(AssetGenRequestMixin, Request): pass

Use the add_assetgen_manifest configuration directive to associate an Assetgen manifest file with a static directory:

config.add_static_view('static', 'mypkg:static')
# defaults to look for an assets.json file in the same directory

And then just use Pyramid's built-in request.static_url(path, **kw) as normal.


Assetgen is a static file build tool. When using in production, you can enable its hashing mode to output files with a hash in the filename. This means that when you change a file (for example, maybe updating your site's stylesheet) its name will change.

On the one hand this is excellent news, as it allows you to implement an optimal HTTP caching strategy (telling browser clients to cache your static files forever). On the other, it means you need to update your templates and / or view code to serve the right url to resolves to the hashed filename. This is relatively easy when you're using Pyramid as you're already using a dynamic function to generate your static urls: request.static_url.

This package, pyramid_assetgen extends the Pyramid machinery to automatically update your static urls so that they resolve to the correct hashed file names. You can use it to integrate Assetgen with your Pyramid application without having to change any of your templates or view code or learn any new APIs.


If you run a Pyramid application configured to look for a manifest file, then the file needs to be there, otherwise the application will throw an exception (at configuration time). You should thus build your manifest file using something like:

assetgen etc/assetgen.yaml --force

Before you run your Pyramid app with something like:

pserve etc/production.ini

If running in development mode using [paste.reloader], e.g.:

pserve etc/development.ini --reload

You could add your manifest file to the list of files the reloader should watch using, e.g.:

from paste.reloader import add_file_callback
def watch_manifest_files():
    return ['/var/www/static/assets.json',]

However, you're unlikely to need this, as you shouldn't auto-reload in production and in development mode you shouldn't hash your assetgen files.


If we presume config is a pyramid.config.Configurator instance, (perhaps available in your main / WSGI app factory function), we can add the directive either using:

from pyramid_assetgen import add_assetgen_manifest
config.add_directive('add_assetgen_manifest', add_assetgen_manifest)

Or more simply:


In addition, you'll need to extend the default request factory using, e.g.:

from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid_assetgen import AssetGenRequestMixin

class MyRequest(AssetGenRequestMixin, Request):


(Note that the AssetGenRequestMixin argument must come before Request in your request factory class definition. Otherwise the static_url method will not be overridden).


With that configuration, when you expose a static directory using config.add_static_view, you can now associate an Assetgen manifest with it:

config.add_static_view('static', 'mypkg:static')

This will look for a manifest file in mypkg:static/assets.json. If the file is somewhere else use:

config.add_assetgen_manifest('mypkg:static', manifest='/foo/bar.json')

You can then use request.static_path and request.static_url as normal. So, for example, if you have registered a manifest containing:

{'foo.js': 'foo-fdsf465ds4f567ds4ds5674567f4s7.js'}



Will return:



I've run the tests under Python2.6 and Python3.2 using, e.g.:

$ ../bin/nosetests --cover-package=src/pyramid_assetgen --cover-erase --with-coverage --with-doctest
Name                                  Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/pyramid_assetgen/__init__            59      0   100%   
src/pyramid_assetgen/tests/__init__      58      0   100%   
TOTAL                                   117      0   100%   
Ran 7 tests in 0.552s