
Integrate MaxMind GeoIP data with a Pyramid web application.

pip install pyramid_geoip==0.2.1


pyramid_geoip integrates the MaxMind GeoIP database with a Pyramid / SQLAlchemy web application. You can use it to locate incoming requests by their IP address:

data = request.geoip('')

data['city'], data['country_code']
-> 'London', 'GB'

data['latitude'], data['longitude']
-> 51.514199999999988, -0.093099999999992633

Note that pyramid_geoip stores GeoIP data in an SQL database (as opposed to storing it on the filesystem) and reads all the data (many MB) into memory on application start. This may well not be the pattern / setup you want, in which case you may find it better to integrate yourself using pygeoip.


Install using pip:

pip install pyramid_geoip

Create a blobs database table, corresponding to the pyramid_basemodel.blob.Blob model class, e.g.: using alembic:

alembic -c $PASTE_CONFIG revision --autogenerate
alembic -c $PASTE_CONFIG upgrade head


Configure your application to include the package (n.b.: see the notes in the update section below before you deploy):


Optionally override the data sources, using your PasteDeploy configuration file:


You can also use locally vendored data files, which will override the urls / read from db machinery if present. The defaults looked for are:



Use the utility provided at request.geoip to lookup data by IP address, e.g. in a view callable:

data = request.geoip()

By default, this will use the ip address for the incoming request (read from the REMOTE_ADDR in the WSGI environment, or from the value of the X-Forwarded-For header if provided by a load balancer or proxy). Note also that it will work for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

To specify the address yourself, e.g.:

data = request.geoip('')

The data contains country, region, city, lat lng, etc.:

data['country_code']  # 'GB'
data['city']          # 'London'
data['latitude']      # 51.514199999999988
data['longitude']     # -0.093099999999992633


MaxMind data loses accuracy over time and consequently MaxMind ship new data every month -- specifically on the first Tuesday of each month. You can call the update module as a script to fetch the latest data:

python ./pyramid_geoip/

Note that you may want to:

  1. run this script before you config.include the package in your main application configuration (as it takes time to download the data and your application will hang starting up until the data is available)
  2. schedule this to run monthly


To run the tests, pip install nose coverage mock and e.g.:

$ nosetests pyramid_geoip --with-doctest --with-coverage --cover-tests --cover-package pyramid_geoip
Name                       Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
pyramid_geoip                 10      0   100%   
pyramid_geoip.interfaces       4      0   100%   
pyramid_geoip.lookup          69      0   100%   
pyramid_geoip.update          12      0   100%   
TOTAL                         95      0   100%   
Ran 6 tests in 0.041s