
Integrate the Postmark email service with a Pyramid web application.

pip install pyramid_postmark==0.2


pyramid_postmark is a package that integrates the Postmark email sending service with a Pyramid web application. For example, to send an email using a template:

spec = 'mypackage:templates/newsletter.tmpl'
email = request.render_email('', '', 'Subject', spec)

It's a very thin layer around the python-postmark library that provides:

  • request.mailer, a configured postmark.PMBatchMail instance
  • request.send_email a function to send one or more email messages
  • request.email_factory to instantiate an email message
  • request.render_email to instantiate an email using a template

These are integrated by default with the pyramid_tm transaction machinery, so emails are only sent if the current request is successful.


Install using pip or easy_install, e.g.:

pip install pyramid_postmark


Provide postmark.api_key in your application's .ini settings:

postmark.api_key = <your key>

Include the package in the configuration portion of your Pyramid app:



Generate an email using the postmark library directly:

from postmark import PMMail
email = PMMail(sender='', to='', subject='Subject', 
        html_body='<p>Boo</p>', text_body='Boo')

Or use the factory provided:

# E.g.: in a view callable / anywhere where you're handling a `request`.
email = request.email_factory('', '', 'Subject', '<p>Boo</p>')

Or use a template:

spec = 'mypackage:templates/mytemplate.tmpl'
data = {'msg': 'Boo'} # <-- passed as variables to the template
email = request.render_email('', '', 'Subject', spec, data)

Then send the email like this:


Send multiple emails:

request.send_email([email, email])

Use the batch mailer directly:

request.mailer.messages = [email]

Note that your sender email will need to match your Postmark sender signature.

By default, request.send_email sends the email iff the current transaction succeeds. You can override this using the postmark.should_join_tx flag in your .ini settings:

postmark.should_join_tx = false

Or when calling request.send_email:

request.send_email(email, should_join_tx=False)

If you're feeling optimisic, you can send the email in the background:

request.send_email(email, in_background=True)

Note that background sending works whether you send immediately or wait for the current transaction to succeed. i.e.: As and when the email is to be sent, it is send in a background thread using the following code:

do_send = thread_cls(target=mailer.send).start if in_background else mailer.send


Tested on python2.7 only (as python-postmark is not yet Python3 compatible).
Install mock, nose and coverage then e.g.:

$ nosetests --with-coverage --with-doctest --cover-package pyramid_postmark pyramid_postmark
Name                     Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
pyramid_postmark             5      0   100%   
pyramid_postmark.hooks      22      0   100%   
TOTAL                       27      0   100%   
Ran 3 tests in 0.017s