Python wrapper for ReStack API

pyrestack, setuptools
pip install pyrestack==0.0.23



ReStack Logo

Welcome to ReStack - a self-hosted, open-source project designed to run scripts anywhere!

About ReStack

ReStack is an application originally created to automate updates to self-hosted infrastructure. The manual process was time-consuming and prone to errors. To streamline this workflow, I developed ReStack - a tool that allows you to execute custom scripts in various environments, providing a flexible and customizable solution for running scripts on your own servers.

Key Features

  • Self-Hosted: Run ReStack on your own infrastructure, giving you full control over your environment and data.
  • Script Execution: Execute custom scripts.
  • Script Management: Organize and manage your scripts efficiently.
  • Environment Flexibility: Run scripts in different environments, including local machines, servers, and containers.

Getting Started

To get started with ReStack, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Install ReStack on your server using Docker.
  2. Script Creation: Create custom scripts tailored to your specific requirements.
  3. Execution: Execute scripts using ReStack's intuitive interface or API endpoints.


ReStack is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. If you're interested in contributing, visit the GitHub repository to view the source code, report issues, and submit pull requests.


  • Documentation: Explore the documentation for detailed guides, tutorials, and reference materials.
  • GitHub Repository: Visit the GitHub repository to view the source code, report issues, and submit pull requests.
  • DockerHub: Visit the DockerHub to view the available containers.