Concept data scrambler using permutations as a basis

pip install pyscrambler==0.0.8



Toy Data Scrambler using re-arrangement as a basis

Build Status

This is a pet project in the interests of learning more about encryption. It is never advisable to re-invent the wheel unless one wishes to learn more about wheels and that is the purpose of this project. The wheel implemented by this project should not in any way be considered fit for purpose in real-life situations :wink:

Installation Instructions

This project provides a Python Package which can be installed by either of the following methods:


pip install pyscrambler

This Repo

By Version

Every new version uploaded to PyPi is tagged with the appropriate version number:

pip install git+git://

Latest master branch

pip install git+git://

Running the Test Suite

# install requirements
make install
# run tests
make tests

Running the individual lint, test and cover steps that make up the test sequence

# lints code with flake8
make lint
# runs unit tests with coverage
make test
# checks that code coverage is at minimum acceptable (98%)
make cover