Generate test cases for shell scripts

generation, test, case
pip install pyshelltest==0.6-11dev0




Generate python test cases for shell commands based on simple configuration. Allows you to seemlessly test commands that need to be run from a shell but within the python testing framework.

We all need to write more tests and including outside commands allows for more coverage. For instance:

  • Add linkchecker to your integ runs for a django project
  • Ensure tools in bin/ have a --help


pip install pyshelltest


Add this to you test files where you see fit:

generator = PyShellTestGenerator.from_json("sample-config.json")
generator = PyShellTestGenerator.from_toml("sample-config.toml")
test_class = generator.generate()

You can then run your tests like you would normally and PyShellTest will generate tests based on your conifg.json

python -m pytest tests/


See sample-config/ as well as tests/test-config.toml

Toml config

Example configuration for a command:

 name = "the-command-name"

# The command to run
command = ["path/to/"]

# How long to wait before timing out
timeout = 30

# Print the output of the ocmmand to stdout
print_output = true

# Expect this in stdout, fail otherwise
stdout_contains = "bar" 
# Expect this in stderr, fail otherwise
stderr_contains = "bar"

    # Set this dict if you expect errors from the command
    # Expect an error
    expect = true
    # Expect an error with this class
    error_class = "FileNotFoundError"

Json config

Example configuration for a command:

    "command": [
            "_comment":  "# The command name",
            "name": "the-command-name",
            "_comment":  "# The command to run",
            "command": ["path/to/"], 
            "_comment":  "# How long to wait before timing out",
            "timeout": 30, 
            "_comment":  "# Print the output of the command to stdout",
            "print_output": true,
            "_comment":  "# Expect this in stdout, fail otherwise",
            "stdout_contains": "bar" ,
            "_comment":  "# Expect this in stderr, fail otherwise",
            "stderr_contains": "bar",
            "_comment":  "# Set this dict if you expect errors from the command",
            "error": { 
                "_comment":  "# Expect an error",
                "expect": true,
                "_comment":  "# Expect an error with this class",
                "error_class": "FileNotFoundError"



How to test this project

poetry run python -m pytest