Adds a utility for running pyss.yaml files.

pip install pyss==1.1.5


PySS: Python Script Support Tool

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PySS is a tool designed to facilitate the management and execution of pyss.yaml configurations, aimed at enhancing Python scripting workflows. It offers a straightforward command-line interface for executing scripts defined in a pyss.yaml or pyss.yml file, with capabilities for testing configurations, silent and quiet execution modes, and advanced configuration options including environment variables, custom variables, and pre/post execution scripts. The project is open-source, licensed under the MIT License, and is geared towards simplifying script execution tasks for Python developers

Installing PySS

To integrate PySS into your environment, simply run:

pip install pyss

How to Use

PySS streamlines script execution through a user-friendly command-line interface:

usage: pyss [options] [script_name]

A simple script runner for Python.

positional arguments:
  script_name    the name of the script to execute

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -l, --list     show a list of all scripts configured for use
  -t, --test     validate the pyss configuration file
  -s, --silent   execute the script without any output
  -q, --quiet    execute the script while omitting the [pyss] header messages
  -v, --version  prints the program version to stdout

To configure your project with PySS, create a pyss.yaml or pyss.yml file at the project root. This file should enumerate the commands you plan to execute.

Configuration Example

Below is a straightforward example to get you started:

# Configure PySS settings here (all optional).
 min_version: 1.0.2
 max_version: 1.1.7

# List your executable scripts.
  - name: say-my-name
    description: Outputs a predetermined name
    command: echo Heisenberg

Execute a script by invoking the pyss command at your project's root:

$ pyss say-my-name
[pyss][run script] 'say-my-name'
[pyss][os.system] 'echo Heisenberg'

Advanced Configuration

For more complex setups, PySS supports environment variables, custom variables, pre/post execution scripts, per-platform customization, shell customization and internal script designation. View the Advanced Configuration documentation for more information.

Validating Your Configuration

To ensure your configuration is valid, run the following command:

$ pyss --test
[pyss][validate] Validating configuration file 'pyss.yaml'...
[pyss][validate] Configuration file 'pyss.yaml' is valid.

Running Scripts

Verbose Execution (Default)

$ export AGE=28
$ pyss run
[pyss][run script] run
[pyss][run script] print-greeting
[pyss][os.system] echo Hello, ${NAME}!
Hello, Heisenberg!
[pyss][os.system] echo Your name is ${NAME}
Your name is Heisenberg
[pyss][os.system] echo You are ${AGE} years old.
You are 28 years old.
[pyss][run script] print-farewell
[pyss][os.system] echo Goodbye, ${NAME}!
Goodbye, Heisenberg!

Quiet Mode (--quiet)

$ export AGE=28
$ pyss --quiet run
Hello, Heisenberg!
Your name is Heisenberg
You are 28 years old.
Goodbye, Heisenberg!

Silent Mode (--silent)

# This mode executes the script without producing any output.

Additional Features

To view a list of configured scripts, use:

$ pyss --list


Special thanks to Pyss Man: @mavrw


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.