Provides subclasses for common python types with additional functionality and convenience methods.

pip install pysubtypes==0.3.14



This library is currently still under development. The API will likely undergo significant changes that may break any code you write with it. The documentation will fall out of sync with the updates regularly until development slows down. Use it at your own risk.


Provides subclasses for certain python builtins (str, list, dict) and common complex types (datetime, Enum, DataFrame, BeautifulSoup) which add functionality and convenience methods/properties. Most of these have better __repr__() implementations than their superclass.

The Str class (subclasses str)

  • Complex slicing methods
  • Regular expression operations
  • Fuzzy matching
  • Clipboard functionality
  • Casing
  • Stripping

The List class (subclasses list)

  • Method chaining on in-place mutation methods (list.append(), list.clear() etc.)
  • Complex slicing methods
  • Fuzzy matching

The Dict class (subclasses dict)

  • Method chaining on in-place mutation methods (dict.update(), dict.clear() etc.)
  • filtering and getting values based on regular expressions, for keys that are strings.
  • Item access now sets an attribute with the given value if the key is a valid python identifier and not an existing dict attribute
  • Recursively replaces dicts with Dict instances when constructed and when settings an attribute or item

The DateTime class (subclasses datetime.datetime)

  • method (timedelta addition and subtraction using keyword arguments)
  • Methods representing the DateTime in various useful formats
  • FormatCode Enum, that can be used with DateTime.strftime() and DateTime.strptime().
  • Accessor objects that shadow the object's basic attributes as PascalCase (DateTime.Year for DateTime.year, DateTime.MicroSecond for DateTime.microsecond etc.) which return that attribute as a string in various formats, based on the available format codes of the datetime class.

The Enum class (subclasses aenum.Enum)

  • An Enum.Auto that can be used with multiple assignment (RED = BLUE = GREEN = Enum.Auto())
  • An Enum.Alias for creating aliases without specifying a value (BLACK = DARK = Enum.Alias())
  • A new repr for both Enum classes and their members that emphasize their names over their values, since the value of an Enum should not matter (enum: Color(RED, BLUE, GREEN, [BLACK, DARK]), member: Color[RED])

The Markup class (subclasses bs4.BeautifulSoup)

  • Provides a new interface for building up markup trees using contextmanagers

The Frame class (subclasses pandas.DataFrame)

  • Ensures the use of the new Int64 Series dtype when constructed with an iterable that only contains int and None (rather than using the default float64)
  • High-level methods for pivoting and unpivoting
  • Change the casing of the column names
  • Represent the Frame as ascii
  • Modified Frame.to_excel() formats the output file to an excel table, returns a path object
  • Modified Frame.to_sql(), with better SQL type selection, allows one of the columns (or the index) to be used as a primary key for the resulting SQL table.
  • Modified Frame.from_excel(), capable of inferring table boundaries from messy spreadsheets using several rulesets, recasing the column names, and removing password protection
  • Create a Frame from an iterable of homogenous objects
  • Write out an iterable of Frames as a single excel document with multiple sheets.
  • Other misc utility functions (eg. replacing all NaN values with None, etc.)

The Process class (subclasses subprocess.Popen)

  • Can print out the actual command-line call when instanciated.
  • Modified Process.wait() method which prints any stdout to the console and returns a CompletedProcess rather than just a return code.

The Color class (subclasses colour.Color)

  • Has a Color.Name Enum which contains all the possible color names that can be passed to the Color() constructor.

The Http class (subclasses requests.Session)

  • Constructor takes a Http(base_url=) argument which allows subsequent request to use shortened urls.

The NameSpace class

  • Allows its attributes to be accessed and modified using item access/setting as well as attribute access/setting.
  • Implements iteration and membership test magic methods for public members (not starting with _).

The Singleton class

  • Inherit from it to implement singletons (subclasses of Singleton will return the same instance whenever constucted).


To install use pip:

$ pip install pysubtypes

Or clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ python install


Detailed usage examples coming soon.


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

You can contribute in many ways:

Report Bugs

Report bugs at

If you are reporting a bug, please include:

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Fix Bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with "bug" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement a fix for it.

Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with "enhancement" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Write Documentation

The repository could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, and such.

Submit Feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at

If you are proposing a new feature:

  • Explain in detail how it would work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.
  • Remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome :)

Get Started!

Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:

  1. If the pull request adds functionality, it should include tests and the docs should be updated. Write docstrings for any functions that are part of the external API, and add the feature to the

  2. If the pull request fixes a bug, tests should be added proving that the bug has been fixed. However, no update to the docs is necessary for bugfixes.

  3. The pull request should work for the newest version of Python (currently 3.7). Older versions may incidentally work, but are not officially supported.

  4. Inline type hints should be used, with an emphasis on ensuring that introspection and autocompletion tools such as Jedi are able to understand the code wherever possible.

  5. PEP8 guidelines should be followed where possible, but deviations from it where it makes sense and improves legibility are encouraged. The following PEP8 error codes can be safely ignored: E121, E123, E126, E226, E24, E704, W503

  6. This repository intentionally disallows the PEP8 79-character limit. Therefore, any contributions adhering to this convention will be rejected. As a rule of thumb you should endeavor to stay under 200 characters except where going over preserves alignment, or where the line is mostly non-algorythmic code, such as extremely long strings or function calls.